Polling finds Biden rated one of worst presidents ever

I guess they are reasons that have as much impact on the left as a fart in a windstorm. Selling out his friends, screwing over vulnerable old folks, accepting political donations from our enemies, laundering money through the commodities market, etc., etc. There's a laundry list of scandals before we even get to the big distraction - the blue dress, which is what you'd call wagging the dog. As I mentioned, that kind of thing doesn't really register with the "ends justify the means" crowd. How about you? Does your moral compass spin like a top?
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Contrary to Leftist academics / historians, polling the general public finds that Biden is rated as one of the worst presidents in US history.

This one rates him as bad or worse than Richard Nixon.

The public rates Biden as far worse than Trump or Obama

Biden leaves office with the worst approval rating of any president since WW 2, Trump included.

So, while academics say one thing, it's clear that the majority of Americas see and say another.

Biden, one of the worst presidents in US history.
What percentage of the general public even knows the names of all these “superior” Presidents?
"Whatever it takes" by the far left Democratic Socialist loons didn't work this time.

The worst president and VP, Biden/Harris, will be gone in seven (7) days.

Divine Providence rained down on America...except California.