

fully immersed in faith..
from RCP over the last two days......

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 43, Trump 42 Clinton +1
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC News/SM Clinton 50, Trump 44 Clinton +6
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton ABC News Tracking Clinton 53, Trump 41 Clinton +12
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton LA Times/USC Tracking Clinton 45, Trump 44 Clinton +1
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein CNN/ORC Clinton 49, Trump 44, Johnson 3, Stein 2 Clinton +5
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 41, Trump 43, Johnson 5, Stein 3 Trump +2
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Gravis Clinton 50, Trump 50 Tie
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton LA Times/USC Tracking Clinton 45, Trump 44 Clinton +1
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 41, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Tie

pretty much EVERY poll showing them neck and neck except ABC who shows Hilliary up by 12?

what trend does that show us?.....
Like Trump says, "it's rigged and I'm winning!" The moron questions his own declarations. If the insane narcissist is winning, he must have rigged it, huh?
Did Russia Hack the DNC … Really?
by George Washington - Oct 24, 2016 3:33 PM
"I Can Tell You With 100% Certainty That It Is Not Any Russian State Actor Or Proxy That Gave The Democratic National Committee And Podesta Material To Wikileaks"


George Washington
5-6 points isn't considered to be neck and neck.

If Trump had these kinds of leads, we could put "rigged" on the backburner. His speeches would start w/ the polls, and end with the polls, and have a lot of the middle content dedicated to the polls.
from RCP over the last two days......

pretty much EVERY poll showing them neck and neck except ABC who shows Hilliary up by 12?

what trend does that show us?.....


and you had no answer......its right up there.....

No answer because the premise you stated was incorrect. There are a few polls at 1 pt., a few at 5-6 and one outlier at +10. It's not ABC then everyone else neck and neck.

I suspect that 5-6 is actually about right. As someone who doesn't want Trump to be President, I think the battleground polls are more telling. He really faces a steep uphill climb if he wants to make any electoral math work.