
^Incapable cunt. Taintlicker, is this the best you can do? Change other's posts?

Feckless little ballsack

It's a sure sign that Pimp has run out of things to say. He took douche bag lessons from USFREEDUMB a while ago and the two closeted racists now think this is a clever thing to do.
I kind of like it. It demonstrates their childish frustration and impotent rage.
No answer because the premise you stated was incorrect. There are a few polls at 1 pt., a few at 5-6 and one outlier at +10. It's not ABC then everyone else neck and neck.

lets be accurate......there are six polls at +1 to -1, two at 5-6 and one out and out liar at +12......what is the average without the out and out liar?......I suspect the ABC poll is an outright lie, the 5-6 point polls are the outliers and +1 to -1 is about right.......
I have come to expect nothing from you and you have not failed to meet those expectations. Distorting others' posts is the best you can do, taintlicker.

Pimp is less than nothing. He is Trumptard who acutually thinks he will live forever.
I have seen three polls now showing Trump pulling 20% of the black vote and Crooked ILLary pulling less than 80%. If those numbers are true she is in big trouble. Probably explains the N word hit job that just landed.

The recent Ohio poll really oversamples Republicans so not sure what to make of the Trump four point lead. The black vote is downright stunning though.
I have seen three polls now showing Trump pulling 20% of the black vote and Crooked ILLary pulling less than 80%. If those numbers are true she is in big trouble. Probably explains the N word hit job that just landed.

The recent Ohio poll really oversamples Republicans so not sure what to make of the Trump four point lead. The black vote is downright stunning though.

Can you site or name any of those three polls?
Can you site or name any of those three polls?

One was Rasmussen. The others were the FL and OH polls that were on the Drudge landing page this AM

I don't know if they are accurate but if they are it spells doom for her and explains the N word attacks.