no surprises there......
^Incapable cunt. Taintlicker, is this the best you can do? Change other's posts?
Feckless little ballsack
no surprises there......
^Incapable cunt. Taintlicker, is this the best you can do? Change other's posts?
Feckless little ballsack
No answer because the premise you stated was incorrect. There are a few polls at 1 pt., a few at 5-6 and one outlier at +10. It's not ABC then everyone else neck and neck.
I have nothing except nonsense......
Incapable cunt, taintlicker, and ballsack are the best I can do
I wish I was as articulate as gomer......I couldn't think up incapable cunt, taintlicker, and ballsack off the top of my head like he can.
I have nothing except nonsense......
I wish I was as articulate as gomer......I couldn't think up incapable cunt, taintlicker, and ballsack off the top of my head like he can.
Its okay, we don't expect anything better from a liberal....
I have come to expect nothing from you and you have not failed to meet those expectations. Distorting others' posts is the best you can do, taintlicker.
and yet, given several days to explain the 12 point discrepancy of the ABC poll, none of you have anything to say.......
It does appear to be getting closer, but that is not to say its close.
I have seen three polls now showing Trump pulling 20% of the black vote and Crooked ILLary pulling less than 80%. If those numbers are true she is in big trouble. Probably explains the N word hit job that just landed.
The recent Ohio poll really oversamples Republicans so not sure what to make of the Trump four point lead. The black vote is downright stunning though.
Can you site or name any of those three polls?
Can you site or name any of those three polls?
She is still ahead more than Obama was in 12', but the momentum bothers me.