Poor Rams

I think I could understand why they wouldn't want to play for Limbaugh. I know a lot of black ball players didn't want to play for Marge Schott after she called Eric Davis and Barry Larkin her "Million Dollar Nigers".
good grief, so pathetic, ..

if blacks don't want to play for Limbaugh then tough shit for them...let them go without..
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good grief, so pathetic, ..

if blacks don't want to play for Limbaugh then tough shit for them...let them go without..

"Good Grief", Black players don't want to play for a bigot? Let them eat cake!
You and yours rise to the bait once again. Mention the truth about the Exalted Leader and you appear like maggots on carrion. Truly pathetic.
"Good Grief", Black players don't want to play for a bigot? Let them eat cake!
You and yours rise to the bait once again. Mention the truth about the Exalted Leader and you appear like maggots on carrion. Truly pathetic.
It is a good day, so far, The Chiefs are beating the Cowboys!
'Were',.........sorry. I have no dogs in that fight but good luck.
Where did Austin come from????? Dang!!!!! Cassell did put up some numbers for me! All in all it was a tight game, lots of turnovers!
"Good Grief", Black players don't want to play for a bigot? Let them eat cake!
You and yours rise to the bait once again. Mention the truth about the Exalted Leader and you appear like maggots on carrion. Truly pathetic.

you got it right, I'm sure someone else will take those millions if they don't want to play for a bigot...nobody will hold a gun to their heads and force them to play, now will they..let them go somewhere else, that is their right..but Limbaugh has just as much right to buy a team as you and I do, now doesn't he..

and what is pathetic is you liberals making a big stink over all this to begin with...you all interject race and politics into every friggen thing....
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you got it right, I'm sure someone else will take those millions if they don't want to play for a bigot...nobody will hold a gun to their heads and force them to play, now will they..let them go somewhere else, that is their right..but Limbaugh has just as much right to buy a team as you and I do, now doesn't he..
In others words, they can take their talent and go elsewhere and all the white boy, racists lovers can play for Rush! That will be SOME team!
In others words, they can take their talent and go elsewhere and all the white boy, racists lovers can play for Rush! That will be SOME team!

who knows, maybe it will be some team...who cares, but you lefties..everything is RACE to you people..
Players, white and black, will go where the money is.

Politics won't matter diddly-squat.
Really, well, the black players are just saying no, so I guess money can't buy everything, some people have principles, would you like me to look that word up for you?
you got it right, I'm sure someone else will take those millions if they don't want to play for a bigot...nobody will hold a gun to their heads and force them to play, now will they..let them go somewhere else, that is their right..but Limbaugh has just as much right to buy a team as you and I do, now doesn't he..

and what is pathetic is you liberals making a big stink over all this to begin with...you all interject race and politics into every friggen thing....

The topic began with Limbaugh and his racial comments, not this thread. If he wanted to someday own a team composed mostly of Black players, he should have kept his evil mouth shut.
That said, you obviously don't know that the rules don't permit players to shop around at will to join other clubs. Limbaugh must love that fact, it's a bit like a plantation owner and his slaves, and Lord knows he relishes that sort of power.
Knowing the players don't want to play for him, he should do the right thing and withdraw his offer, but I wouldn't count on it.
The topic began with Limbaugh and his racial comments, not this thread. If he wanted to someday own a team composed mostly of Black players, he should have kept his evil mouth shut.
That said, you obviously don't know that the rules don't permit players to shop around at will to join other clubs. Limbaugh must love that fact, it's a bit like a plantation owner and his slaves, and Lord knows he relishes that sort of power.
Knowing the players don't want to play for him, he should do the right thing and withdraw his offer, but I wouldn't count on it.

dear me, isn't life a bitch..

We all still have freedom of speech of in this country, so far anyway..and a player can refuse to go anywhere he doesn't want...he just won't play now will he...good for them, let them stick with their so called principles...no matter how warped they might be..Rush didn't say anything worse than anyone else has said in this country, if they want to hold a grudge, then by all means let them...I'm sure no skin off anyone's ass..

and who says Rush should withdraw his offer, you lefies...
the NFL has convicts of every sort playing for them and because Rush supposedly said something racist he shouldn't buy a football team...what friggen world do you all live in...good gawd that is hilarious
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dear me, isn't life a bitch..

We all still have freedom of speech of in this country, so far anyway..and a player can refuse to go anywhere he doesn't want...he just won't play now will he...good for them, let them stick with their so called principles...no matter how warped they might be..Rush didn't say anything worse than anyone else has said in this country, if they want to hold a grudge, then by all means let them...I'm sure no skin off anyone's ass..

and who says Rush should withdraw his offer, you lefies...
the NFL has convicts of every sort playing for them and because Rush supposedly said something racist he shouldn't buy a football team...what friggen world do you all live in...good gawd that is hilarious
Rush has said a lot of things worse than others who have his listening audience.

Obviously, you use a filter when listening to him.

Freedom of speech, yes, but we also have the right to complain about its content.

The black players also have a right to protest by their actions, and I happen to agree with the players! I wouldn't want to play for a man who thought less of me as aperson because of the color of my skin!

It is alright for you to hold grudges but not black players, okay, ditto head! Are you a Beck Zombie, too! Both real achievements in life!

So called principles, maybe you need to crack a book on black history!!! Good grief or bust out the white sheets for Halloween! and don't forget your burning cross!
In others words, they can take their talent and go elsewhere and all the white boy, racists lovers can play for Rush! That will be SOME team!


Once Rush buys the team and show the boys the money, they will dance & jump to play for him. When it comes to color, the only color they care about is green.
Rush has said a lot of things worse than others who have his listening audience.

Obviously, you use a filter when listening to him.

Freedom of speech, yes, but we also have the right to complain about its content.

The black players also have a right to protest by their actions, and I happen to agree with the players! I wouldn't want to play for a man who thought less of me as aperson because of the color of my skin!

It is alright for you to hold grudges but not black players, okay, ditto head! Are you a Beck Zombie, too! Both real achievements in life!

So called principles, maybe you need to crack a book on black history!!! Good grief or bust out the white sheets for Halloween! and don't forget your burning cross!

it's a football game..if a player doesn't want to play for him he can refuse..someone else will step in for the money...that is life now isn't it..
And I didn't see any of you lefties calling for Letterman to quit after making crude sexist jokes about women and young girls, so you lecturing me on black history month is a real joke..
you got it right, I'm sure someone else will take those millions if they don't want to play for a bigot...nobody will hold a gun to their heads and force them to play, now will they..let them go somewhere else, that is their right..but Limbaugh has just as much right to buy a team as you and I do, now doesn't he..

and what is pathetic is you liberals making a big stink over all this to begin with...you all interject race and politics into every friggen thing....

And none of us have a right to buy a franchise. He'll have to go through the approval process like anyone else.