Poor Rams

the Nfl might want to remember that Rush has a radio show with over 20 million listeners daily...

like I said, just remember the Dixie Chicks..:cof1:
good grief, so pathetic, ..

if blacks don't want to play for Limbaugh then tough shit for them...let them go without..
Errr it don't work that way Meme. The NFL has antitrust exemption. In return for that exemption the NFL is legally and contractually obligated to respect certain rights of the players. If African American players decide to boycott the Rams because of Limbaughs well known and public history of overt racism there's not much the Rams could do about it and they wouldn't have much, if any, legal remedies. It would also make it pretty difficult for the Rams to be competitive. Considering that Pro Sports teams are used to unite Cities, Communities and regions it would be both counter intuitive and counter productive to sell it to a group in which Limbaugh is an owner. In other words, it would probably be a bad business decision. But, it's a free country. Caveat Emptor!
the Nfl might want to remember that Rush has a radio show with over 20 million listeners daily...

like I said, just remember the Dixie Chicks..:cof1:
Oh I think the NFL is much more aware of that then you give them credit for. As business people there not in the habit of alienating customers. By allowing Limbaugh in as an owner they risk alienationg a hell of a lot more people then 20 million semi-literate hillbillies. It will never happen. In other words, if they allow Limbaugh an ownership interest they would be making the same stupid mistake that the Dixie Chicks made.
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Players, white and black, will go where the money is.

Politics won't matter diddly-squat.
What about the Fans? Having Limbauggh as an owner could alienate 60% or more of the Rams fan base. I'm a big sports fan and have been a life long Reds and Bengals fan. I was one of the people that signed a petition for Marge Schott to resign when she made her racist comments. She at least had the courage to cop a mea culpa and make a public apology. If Rush were to take an onwership interst in either of my two teams I'd drop them like a bad habit.

My point being, why would any broad based business, such as an entertainment business, alienate their customer base through an association with such a divisive person.

Or as Michael Jordan so aptly put it when asked why he was not more involved with Democratic political activism as a representative of the African American community. He said "Because Republicans buy shoes too."