Poor Wolfowitz


You have to feel sorry for former bush adminstration officials. I mean, there they were in the bush adminstration, where corruption, lying, cheating and stealing are resume high-points. The more you have of these qualities, the higher your chance of a promotion. Then they go out into the real world, and all of a sudden, cheating, lying, and corruption are bad things. What an adjustment. The poor, confused fools.

Deal Is Offered for Chief’s Exit at World Bank
WASHINGTON, May 7 — Leading governments of Europe, mounting a new campaign to push Paul D. Wolfowitz from his job as World Bank president, signaled Monday that they were willing to let the United States choose the bank’s next chief, but only if Mr. Wolfowitz stepped down soon, European officials said.

European officials had previously indicated that they wanted to end the tradition of the United States picking the World Bank leader. But now the officials are hoping to enlist American help in persuading Mr. Wolfowitz to resign voluntarily, rather than be rebuked or ousted.

The goal, they said, is to avert a public rupture of the bank board over a vote, possibly later this week, to sanction Mr. Wolfowitz. Even if the vote is a reprimand, they said, it could effectively make it impossible for him to stay on.

The Europeans worked to arrange a quick exit for Mr. Wolfowitz as a special bank committee concluded that he was guilty of breaking rules barring conflicts of interest in arranging for a pay raise and promotion for Shaha Ali Riza, his companion and a bank employee, in 2005.

I have been following Woolfie, one of his right hand men resigned too.
It seems the Bushites thin themselves out by their own antics....
On a side-note; can anyone even believe that Wolfowitz has a girlfriend? Eccchh. Everytime I think of him, I get a visual on that scene from Farenheit 9/11 where he spits on his comb and then puts it through his hair. I would totally puke.
On a side-note; can anyone even believe that Wolfowitz has a girlfriend? Eccchh. Everytime I think of him, I get a visual on that scene from Farenheit 9/11 where he spits on his comb and then puts it through his hair. I would totally puke.
That's always bothered me too. I sometimes wonder if this whole thing wasn't a setup by the Europeans from the outset. The woman might be a plant.

Actually, you could take that in a couple of ways and make it come out right. :eek:
On a side-note; can anyone even believe that Wolfowitz has a girlfriend? Eccchh. Everytime I think of him, I get a visual on that scene from Farenheit 9/11 where he spits on his comb and then puts it through his hair. I would totally puke.

A total turnoff from a personal hygiene standpoint.

If I were a female, I think I would also be disturbed by the fact that he is a mass murderer, war criminal, and has the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents dripping from his hands. And he has never spoken one word of guilt or contrition about it. Does the dude have a soul?
A total turnoff from a personal hygiene standpoint.

If I were a female, I think I would also be disturbed by the fact that he is a mass murderer, war criminal, and has the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents dripping from his hands. And he has never spoken one word of guilt or contrition about it. Does the dude have a soul?

Yeah, all of that's bad Cypress...but spit in your hair, echhhh. ;)

Nah, I totally would never even consider going out with someone who supported this shit, no less was partially responsible for it. But on the other hand, I would drop even the most fascinating leftist if I found out he was using spit for hair gel. Because it makes me want to puke!
A total turnoff from a personal hygiene standpoint.

If I were a female, I think I would also be disturbed by the fact that he is a mass murderer, war criminal, and has the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocents dripping from his hands. And he has never spoken one word of guilt or contrition about it. Does the dude have a soul?

Well golly gee...why do liberals always start with calling conservatives "war criminals"...what about one of your own?... say like Madeline Halfbright?


..... Everytime I think of him, I get a visual on that scene from Farenheit 9/11 where he spits on his comb and then puts it through his hair. I would totally puke.
Ewwwwwwww! Are you serious? That's NASTY!


Surely you jest. Laughable. I give this effort a failing grade, for trying to divert the topic.

Nope...professor...I addressed your comments on Wolf...I just countered with facts...ever hear of 'Chubby Checker'...doing the "Twist" I just gave you a taste of your own medicine!:readit:
Nope...professor...I addressed your comments on Wolf...I just countered with facts...ever hear of 'Chubby Checker'...doing the "Twist" I just gave you a taste of your own medicine!:readit:
Interesting how you seem so . . . taken with her Jewish heritage. Are you another racialist, like the Asshated corpse? :rolleyes: