Poor Wolfowitz

Say what...???

Interesting how you seem so . . . taken with her Jewish heritage. Are you another racialist, like the Asshated corpse? :rolleyes:

I just posted what was available for 'anyone with a brain'(stolen from the Wizard of Oz) could read and analyize...and for the Racist comment...I think not as my GM on moms side was a Russian Jew...married to a Italian Stallion from Sicily...and my mom married a German my dad with alot of other ethinic mix...French,German,Spanish,Native American,Irish etc etc...call me 'Heinz 57' if ya want...I addressed 'Madeline HalfBiights' 'war criminal' and denial aspect...as it realted to cypress calling conserrvatives "war criminals"...take a beer break professor #2!:clink:
Yes. It was totally gross Trog, and to this day I can't see a picture of him without getting that visual. And it really does make me naseous every single time.
Did anybody have a mother who licked her fingers and straightened your hair while a child? (Especially males on this one.)
Did anybody have a mother who licked her fingers and straightened your hair while a child? (Especially males on this one.)

My mother never did that to either myself, or my two brothers. But, even so, there is a big diff between that (though I think that's gross too) and actually spitting a big...just I can't even talk about it anymore.
Did anybody have a mother who licked her fingers and straightened your hair while a child? (Especially males on this one.)

LMAO...gotta love up-front and honest...and hey damo...lib's are the same people who have diatribes about how we should accept homosexuals and be understanding...damn...the things they do would make a die hard puke...:clink:
LMAO...gotta love up-front and honest...and hey damo...lib's are the same people who have diatribes about how we should accept homosexuals and be understanding...damn...the things they do would make a die hard puke...:clink:

I don't sit around dreaming about "the things homosexuals do". (well, unless I see a really hot girl) What in hell does this have to do with walking around with spit in your hair?
LMAO...gotta love up-front and honest...and hey damo...lib's are the same people who have diatribes about how we should accept homosexuals and be understanding...damn...the things they do would make a die hard puke...:clink:

This doesn't make any sense, and doesn't appear to have anything to do with the thread or Damo's post.

Are you drunk again?
Ah Hah....

I don't sit around dreaming about "the things homosexuals do". (well, unless I see a really hot girl) What in hell does this have to do with walking around with spit in your hair?

so you being a girl really like hot girls???...humm...explains the spit comment...along with the puke one...now go find your vibrator or dildo or whateve....:tongout:

This doesn't make any sense, and doesn't appear to have anything to do with the thread or Damo's post.

Are you drunk again?

another canned response...at least come up with a new cut!:rolleyes:

side note: Like Darla's spit comment did????Take a break professor!
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This doesn't make any sense, and doesn't appear to have anything to do with the thread or Damo's post.

Are you drunk again?

It has nothing to do with it at all...just an excuse to go on a tangent about "homosexuals.

You know what they say about those types Cypress...repressed.
so you being a girl really like hot girls???...humm...explains the spit comment...along with the puke one...now go find your vibrator or dildo or whateve....:tongout:

Oh I would, but I had to lend my vibrator to your wife. Poor thing...hasn't had an orgasm in 20 years.
Well that was certainly a true comment being that I divorced her twenty years ago...carry on ya are on a roll!:p


I should have known. You sound like one of the Beverly Hillbillies on crack, and after a bottle of Jack Daniels. The idea that you'd actually have a woman hanging around was rather far-fetched.
I should have known. You sound like one of the Beverly Hillbillies on crack, and after a bottle of Jack Daniels. The idea that you'd actually have a woman hanging around was rather far-fetched.

Well at least I do love women...we can agree on that NO??? and are referring to a certain celebrity... last name begins with a 'H'??? in the news fighting his crack addicted ex for custody??? Sorry Hun the gals still love me...I just got rid of a jerk...see: Donut Dollies...in another thread...they were real girls...unlike y'all war protestors!...:p
Well at least I do love women...we can agree on that NO??? and are referring to a certain celebrity... last name begins with a 'H'??? in the news fighting his crack addicted ex for custody??? Sorry Hun the gals still love me...I just got rid of a jerk...see: Donut Dollies...in another thread...they were real girls...unlike y'all war protestors!...:p

Whenever some guy says "sorry hun the gals still love me" I know three things, he's over 60, he does not have all of his real teeth, and the gals haven't "loved" him since Eisenhower was in office.
Whenever some guy says "sorry hun the gals still love me" I know three things, he's over 60, he does not have all of his real teeth, and the gals haven't "loved" him since Eisenhower was in office.

LMAO...how true...I am over sixty...albeit I still have my own teeth and other necessary attributes...but sorry I still date on a regular basis...and not too shabby for a old coot!...:p
LMAO...how true...I am over sixty...albeit I still have my own teeth and other necessary attributes...but sorry I still date on a regular basis...and not too shabby for a old coot!...:p

Suurree.. I'll bet you're a real "catch" in the geriatric crowd. I'm sure they're having wheel-chair races to see who can get to you first.


But you know, not to me. Or anyone not in their dotage yet.