
That's a lot of rounds for a few pairs.

It's a single round, but you're only playing two holes. Also, you're only using your wood and your putter.

Two rounds would be 138.

:tongout: :cof1:
My son just got back from an Oregon vacation with his g.f. Enjoyed it except they thought Portland was disgusting.
Anecdotal of course but met two different couples from the Portland area this past week at my golf club here in Hawaii. Both couples, as in all four people said it’s unlivable now. Windows boarded up, continued nightly riots, local government turns a blind eye.

Like Washington, D.C. and Chicago? :thinking:
The good ones leave. I've met a few in Hawaii from there . I hear the same word from folks from there that don't even know each other. "Unlivable".

I suspect that more than how things are now what drives people away is sensing how bad things are going to need to get before people wake up to what is happening and what must be done to change course. Once you understand that you sell and get out now, as the value of the assets will only go down as the city continues to die.
Anecdotal of course but met two different couples from the Portland area this past week at my golf club here in Hawaii. Both couples, as in all four people said it’s unlivable now. Windows boarded up, continued nightly riots, local government turns a blind eye.

"of course"

My barber has a cousin who knows three people in Idaho whose friends live in Portland and he said she said they said Portland is open and better than ever

What's the difference
"of course"

My barber has a cousin who knows three people in Idaho whose friends live in Portland and he said she said they said Portland is open and better than ever

What's the difference

Jesus, please tell us you didn't write that bullshit. Portland has become such a predictable shithole it doesn't even make news anymore.