Possession is 9/10 of the law.


god you fucking idiots are too much. the dude is an America hater. waaaah, he isn't getting enough positive coverage. waaah. waaah

Chomsky is very smart and very articulate. You rightys call anyone you disagree with terrible dishonest names.
The fact is the Iraq war was pushed hard by every branch of the media. Phil Donahue's program was canceled when he came out against it. Every station even PBS backed it. Bush's people ran a huge scare campaign that took root. I was looking for real news about Iraq, but it was quickly gone. Bush sent Powell to do a dog and pony show in front of the UN. It was horrible but worked. He sold his credibility to Bush and the warmongers. He has said he regrets doing it.
America is not comfortable for pacifists.
Chomsky is very smart and very articulate. You rightys call anyone you disagree with terrible dishonest names.
The fact is the Iraq war was pushed hard by every branch of the media. Phil Donahue's program was canceled when he came out against it. Every station even PBS backed it. Bush's people ran a huge scare campaign that took root. I was looking for real news about Iraq, but it was quickly gone. Bush sent Powell to do a dog and pony show in front of the UN. It was horrible but worked. He sold his credibility to Bush and the warmongers. He has said he regrets doing it.
America is not comfortable for pacifists.

Chomsky is a shit head.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Your blathering mantras don't make up for your willful ignorance.

CBS, NBC, ABC owners are NOT liberals....their news coverage is NOT progressive, as they spoon fed Chalabi's lies about Iraq to the American public & Powell's dog & pony show. Murdoch owns the New York Post, the Wall St. Journal and Fox TV & News (monopoly). The NY Times help sell the bogus war in Iraq with Judith Miller. Those are just SOME examples.

Idiots like you see ANY contrary information as "extreme liberal news environment". Chomsky proved that to be pure BS years ago with his book/documentary "Manufacturing Consent". But MAGA mooks like you will eat shit and call it ice cream before admitting you're wrong...just like your indicted orange god. ;)


god you fucking idiots are too much. the dude is an America hater. waaaah, he isn't getting enough positive coverage. waaah. waaah

What are you, 12 years old?

Chomsky wrote THE BOOK on linguistics that is still a standard to this day. His critiques of America's bad policies has never swayed his defense for the average working American (that's YOU, genius) against the corporate/military avarice. That silly little MAGA trolls like you just parrot empty talking points is of no consequence.

Bottom line: you can't logically or factually fault what I've said, so you just blow smoke. Typical MAGA troll. The OP stands valid. You may now continue to have a hissy fit and throw stones.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
From Merriam-Webster:

A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

If you have a monopoly on the media and you are adhered to the ideals of a autocratic gov't ruled by a dictator...you have fascim. Capice?

So they put race over the individual? Like leftists who expect all blacks to vote democrat and if they don't they aren't black. Got it. Then severe economic and social regimentation? Like leftists demanding more regulation on businesses and demanding people acknowledge other people's "preferred" pronouns. Got it. Forcible suppression of opposition like cancel culture perpetrated by leftists. Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

I'll dissect your BS sentence by sentence:

1 - When applicable. See the tenets of the Nazi regime in Germany. Or, for more modern example check out the Kurds in Turkey, the Tibetans in China, Muslims in the Philippines. That is PART of the fascist gov't make up, as the previous definitions shows.

2 - You're not making sense...parroting some failed neocon/teabagger/MAGA dodge has NO relation to the FACTS the OP refers to. You've "got" nothing but lame stupidity that the clown you see in the mirror confirms.

3 - Last time I checked, this idiocy of the alphabet gay "community" has yet to become state, if not national law. And business regulations, like keeping House & Senate folks from using insider information to bet on Wall St.? Or regulations to stop the effort to remove Social Security and Medicare? Or try and stop the price gouging by pharmaceutical companies regarding medication sales? Or YOU picking up the revenue tab when corporations are given tax breaks and subsidy to move jobs overseas? Or having corporations being treated as a living person in a court of law? See, NOT fighting for these things results in severe economic & social regimentation AGAINST YOU!

4 - Cancel culture....like this? https://www.thenation.com/article/society/republicans-cancel-culture-kaepernick/

5 - What's clear is that you're too steeped in the MAGA mindset to "get" anything other than what Fox Noise tells you. I don't expect you to concede a point...you intellectual dishonesty and impotence won't let you. But you won't repeat your blather without looking stupid. Carry on.
What are you, 12 years old?

Chomsky wrote THE BOOK on linguistics that is still a standard to this day. His critiques of America's bad policies has never swayed his defense for the average working American (that's YOU, genius) against the corporate/military avarice. That silly little MAGA trolls like you just parrot empty talking points is of no consequence.

Bottom line: you can't logically or factually fault what I've said, so you just blow smoke. Typical MAGA troll. The OP stands valid. You may now continue to have a hissy fit and throw stones.

you are a fucking retard.

His understanding of linguistics does not translate to economics. He is a blathering hater of individual liberty. fuck him , and fuck you
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What are you, 12 years old?

Chomsky wrote THE BOOK on linguistics that is still a standard to this day. His critiques of America's bad policies has never swayed his defense for the average working American (that's YOU, genius) against the corporate/military avarice. That silly little MAGA trolls like you just parrot empty talking points is of no consequence.

Bottom line: you can't logically or factually fault what I've said, so you just blow smoke. Typical MAGA troll. The OP stands valid. You may now continue to have a hissy fit and throw stones.

you are a fucking retard.

His understanding of linguistics does not translate to economics. He is a blathering hater of individual liberty. fuck him , and fuck you

I can only assume you were staring at the mirror when you typed your first sentence. Evidently, you are either incapable or unwilling to accept Chomsky's valid credentials that make him as most effective critic of what the OP is pointing to. Were you NOT willfully/generally ignorant of the man's work, you would have avoided the lame and bizarre attempt to equate the OP topic with "economics", of which I did not infer.

GTFU, toodles. Being a MAGA troll is just pathetic.