This is the societal/political dilemma in shorthand played out between us in real time and in microcosm.
I know you are misguided, but you don't.
And I want to open your eyes to the truth and to allow you to see and understand that you are misguided and what and where and how you are misguided, but I lack the ability.
I can see farther ahead to where this path leads, but I'm not smart enough to convey what I see to you in a meaningful way.
It's like playing tag with a tyke in the park, but when the kid runs into the street and is imperiled and you try to run to rescue him, but he doesn't understand the danger of traffic hitting him, so he keeps running away from you as part of the game he is playing, while unknowingly running toward catastrophe and you have no way of explaining any of that to him because he isn't able to process that info in a meaningful way.