Saint Guinefort
Verified User
Chester Alan Authur didn't pay much in taxes? Okay, I can live with that...
Looky ever-body, T.A. got out the Google Machine this morning and found a President they've never heard of before! LOL!
Chester Alan Authur didn't pay much in taxes? Okay, I can live with that...
Looky ever-body, T.A. got out the Google Machine this morning and found a President they've never heard of before! LOL!
Like you had to? I knew who Authur was without looking it up.
I know Penn is a Libertarian, but he's also pretty reasonable. So I'm curious what the source of this particular quote is.
Not like you care if the quotes are real or not, just curious where this comes from. (I can't find it anywhere)
You know where good roads come from? PAYING TAXES.
You know who DIDN'T PAY MUCH TAXES? Your favorite President.
I voted for Trump because he knew how to fake Christianity to get votes!