Post your memes here! Time for some fun.

just curious Libhater, Where in that bible does it tell you to hate others in your world? I will hang up and listen. Jesus said...........well you being a Bible reader you would probably know what he said...........
Couldn't find that, although if those back in time had known that leftists hate Trump so extremely bad then I suppose they would have put in a clause that would have addressed that salient point.
I am sure Jesus voted for trump. True story. When Obama was elected the local Baptist preacher put "Jesus Wept" on his sign. I called him out on it about Jesus being interested in politics. He replied "not political at all" Total bllshttt. Use the Bible to promote your cause then back track hard. Never saw that coming. But I dont see anywhere in the new testament promoting hate. In fact its about loving your neighbor and even the immigrants.......guess you were absent that Sunday.
I am sure Jesus voted for trump. True story. When Obama was elected the local Baptist preacher put "Jesus Wept" on his sign. I called him out on it about Jesus being interested in politics. He replied "not political at all" Total bllshttt. Use the Bible to promote your cause then back track hard. Never saw that coming. But I dont see anywhere in the new testament promoting hate. In fact its about loving your neighbor and even the immigrants.......guess you were absent that Sunday.
Hey, the dead vote Democrat, everybody knows that! :awesome:
448367983_970809278424405_1246497483203331314_n.jpgmore gobbledygook from the stable genius....when I want humor I just find something new that came out of his mouth..............nothing beats that shark/battery rant.......