Potential 08 election changer.. Bloomberg

I was in Austin not to long ago and the sticker I saw there was 'Keep Austin Wierd'.

Sweet. No, I'm talking about really bizarre bumper stickers. Bible belt texas was on the islamo-fascist bandwagon before you rubes finally caught up.

My eyeballs nearly popped out of my head when I saw this bumpersticker on a texas pickup truck:

"Keep your whore religion out of my Christian crotch".

That's a real conversation starter. :rolleyes:
Bloomberg is interesting, but he doesn't really change the dynamics or outcomes in '08 in my opinion .. however, if he runs he could take Americans down the road to making 3rd parties viable and their candidates important political players, not just be seen as spoilers.

America needs 4th, 5th, and 6th parties

Bloomberg is smart and I think he's done more for New York than Rudybella has. I think he has the proper balance on most issues.
Austin is great. It's a humongous liberal indie-rock bastion right in the middle of Texas.

what i know about Austonions.

They are weird
They try to be weird
They try so hard to be weird they have motto of "Keep Austin weird"

probably only place u will see a hippie, naked guy, young business professional, and a cowboy sitting at the same table.
what i know about Austonions.

They are weird
They try to be weird
They try so hard to be weird they have motto of "Keep Austin weird"

probably only place u will see a hippie, naked guy, young business professional, and a cowboy sitting at the same table.

Austin isn't that weird, or far out liberal. Only by texas standards, do they like to think of themselves as the Berkley of Texas. Being liberal by texas standards, really isn't saying that much. Do they smoke a lot of pot in austin, are there some hippie types, and is there a nude beach or two at one of their hill country lakes? yes.

But, its not Madison Wisconsin, or Berkley California. Its just the most tolerable place to live in Texas. Which is a pretty low bar to meet.