Potentially Troubling Info From McCain's Michigan Loss


He can't win among Republicans. He won New Hampshire with lots of support from independents in an open primary where lots of independents voted. He lost to Mitt among Republicans. In Michigan he lost in an open primary where lots of independents didn't vote. He lost to Mitt among Republicans by 8%.

Going forward, there aren't too many open primaries left and until he can manage to win among registered Republicans, McCain isn't going anywhere.
So who will it be then....?

He can't win among Republicans. He won New Hampshire with lots of support from independents in an open primary where lots of independents voted. He lost to Mitt among Republicans. In Michigan he lost in an open primary where lots of independents didn't vote. He lost to Mitt among Republicans by 8%.

Going forward, there aren't too many open primaries left and until he can manage to win among registered Republicans, McCain isn't going anywhere.

Romney...one of the Mormon 7 mafia..or Huckabee/Chuckabee the pleasant preacher...ya do realize that Nevada and SC are comming up!
He can't win among Republicans. He won New Hampshire with lots of support from independents in an open primary where lots of independents voted. He lost to Mitt among Republicans. In Michigan he lost in an open primary where lots of independents didn't vote. He lost to Mitt among Republicans by 8%.

Going forward, there aren't too many open primaries left and until he can manage to win among registered Republicans, McCain isn't going anywhere.

I think this might be worse news for McCain that the race thing is for Hillary. She might still get the nomination but if this holds true, McCain won't.
If McCain had won MI, I'd say Giuliani was done but now I dunno. I think he has a chance....god I hope not.

Oh and LOL at Fred Thompson once again. Why has he not dropped yet?
If not McCain, it surely won't be Huckabee, and I still have a very hard time imagining Romney.

Seriously, if McCain isn't the nominee, I think Rudy has the next best shot. It seems almost impossible to imagine right now, but Super Tuesday will really change things unless McCain can re-establish himself as a clear frontrunner...
McCain might also benefit from the Dems taking away delegates from Florida. There have been a large number of people switching to the GOP here.
Honestly, I don’t care who calls me a partisan hack, I just don’t see how anyone takes any Republican over any Democrat.
You watch those debates man, you tell me those guys aren’t insane. I mean, as in, clinically. As in, you can watch them and legitimately wonder who the hell let them out of the “facility”? I saw someone call Rudy the human skull the other day. Best description ever. Grinning death on a stick. How’d you like to see that head plus Duncan Hunter coming at you in a dark alley?… it could get even worse…maybe the terminally grinning Romney is bringing up the rear with a Louisville slugger, and crazy eyes Huck is on the side with a bible in his hand screaming about the end times. I’d scream and have a heart attack right there. Here’s my wallet! Take it please, just leave me alone!

Say whatever you want about any of the dems, and I have my serious and deeply felt, and probably unbridgeable problems with several of them…they look and sound sane!

Maybe I am the nut, but to me, that counts for something.
If not McCain, it surely won't be Huckabee, and I still have a very hard time imagining Romney.

Seriously, if McCain isn't the nominee, I think Rudy has the next best shot. It seems almost impossible to imagine right now, but Super Tuesday will really change things unless McCain can re-establish himself as a clear frontrunner...

Remember these words Lorax: Never underestimate the stupidity of republican voters.

McCain is the only candidate that has a shot at beating Mitt or Huckabee and he's a senile irrelevent pro war idiot. Rudy's out for the count. As someone pointed out Ron Paul has a better shot at winning at this point than Rudy. Unless something drastic happens in the next couple of weeks Romney or Huckabee will probably win the nod. But all that is meaningless because neither of them will be able to beat the current democratic front runners. The only race I think even worth concerning ourselves with is the democratic race. Our next president will be a democrat.
Honestly, I don’t care who calls me a partisan hack, I just don’t see how anyone takes any Republican over any Democrat.
You watch those debates man, you tell me those guys aren’t insane. I mean, as in, clinically. As in, you can watch them and legitimately wonder who the hell let them out of the “facility”? I saw someone call Rudy the human skull the other day. Best description ever. Grinning death on a stick. How’d you like to see that head plus Duncan Hunter coming at you in a dark alley?… it could get even worse…maybe the terminally grinning Romney is bringing up the rear with a Louisville slugger, and crazy eyes Huck is on the side with a bible in his hand screaming about the end times. I’d scream and have a heart attack right there. Here’s my wallet! Take it please, just leave me alone!

Say whatever you want about any of the dems, and I have my serious and deeply felt, and probably unbridgeable problems with several of them…they look and sound sane!

Maybe I am the nut, but to me, that counts for something.

On substance, when I have watched the Republican debates it looks like a bunch of white guys pretending that everything is A-OK in the country when in reality the right track/wrong track numbers show about 19% of the country thinks we're on the right track.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't see their message as very appealing for this reason.
Remember these words Lorax: Never underestimate the stupidity of republican voters.

McCain is the only candidate that has a shot at beating Mitt or Huckabee and he's a senile irrelevent pro war idiot. Rudy's out for the count. As someone pointed out Ron Paul has a better shot at winning at this point than Rudy. Unless something drastic happens in the next couple of weeks Romney or Huckabee will probably win the nod. But all that is meaningless because neither of them will be able to beat the current democratic front runners. The only race I think even worth concerning ourselves with is the democratic race. Our next president will be a democrat.

God damn, you're a frickin' rocket scientist. This is the best one-paragraph summary on the foolishness of the GOP race I've ever read.
Honestly, I don’t care who calls me a partisan hack, I just don’t see how anyone takes any Republican over any Democrat.
You watch those debates man, you tell me those guys aren’t insane. I mean, as in, clinically. As in, you can watch them and legitimately wonder who the hell let them out of the “facility”? I saw someone call Rudy the human skull the other day. Best description ever. Grinning death on a stick. How’d you like to see that head plus Duncan Hunter coming at you in a dark alley?… it could get even worse…maybe the terminally grinning Romney is bringing up the rear with a Louisville slugger, and crazy eyes Huck is on the side with a bible in his hand screaming about the end times. I’d scream and have a heart attack right there. Here’s my wallet! Take it please, just leave me alone!

Say whatever you want about any of the dems, and I have my serious and deeply felt, and probably unbridgeable problems with several of them…they look and sound sane!

Maybe I am the nut, but to me, that counts for something.
You'd even give up the Manolo Blahnik shoes just to make them go away!
On substance, when I have watched the Republican debates it looks like a bunch of white guys pretending that everything is A-OK in the country when in reality the right track/wrong track numbers show about 19% of the country thinks we're on the right track.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't see their message as very appealing for this reason.

Yes, but it’s worse than that. They are also prescribing more of the same for us, except, to the nth degree. The bush years, on steroids. We’ll give you more tax cuts, more torture, more war, more dead soldiers, more people without health care, more more more. I can’t survive much more of that, and I don’t know anybody who can.