Potentially Troubling Info From McCain's Michigan Loss

I know what you're saying is mostly correct, LadyT, but I have been permanently scarred by the 2000 race.

I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President." I remember watching a debate w/ my wife, and we were cracking up at how simplistic & fumbling Bush was next to Gore; we were actually embarassed for him, and I thought the pundits might be too hard on him as a result. As soon as the debate ended, the 1st comment was Peggy Noonan saying "I think George Bush just closed the deal," and a bunch of other mediabots chiming in with how Gore killed himself on style points.

I have very little faith in the electorate of this country.
We, as a country, are dead if the president does not cease pandering to the masses.
I know what you're saying is mostly correct, LadyT, but I have been permanently scarred by the 2000 race.

I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President." I remember watching a debate w/ my wife, and we were cracking up at how simplistic & fumbling Bush was next to Gore; we were actually embarassed for him, and I thought the pundits might be too hard on him as a result. As soon as the debate ended, the 1st comment was Peggy Noonan saying "I think George Bush just closed the deal," and a bunch of other mediabots chiming in with how Gore killed himself on style points.

I have very little faith in the electorate of this country.

It may be partisan to say that Edwards/Obama/Clinton are clearly superior, more competent, and more sane candidates than Romney/Huckabee/Thompson/McCain/Paul.

But, it's also true. There isn't a a shadow of a doubt.
I know what you're saying is mostly correct, LadyT, but I have been permanently scarred by the 2000 race.

I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President." I remember watching a debate w/ my wife, and we were cracking up at how simplistic & fumbling Bush was next to Gore; we were actually embarassed for him, and I thought the pundits might be too hard on him as a result. As soon as the debate ended, the 1st comment was Peggy Noonan saying "I think George Bush just closed the deal," and a bunch of other mediabots chiming in with how Gore killed himself on style points.

I have very little faith in the electorate of this country.

I think the Bush administration has finally scared the moderates straight. Look at the 06 elections. It only took them 6 years, one failed war and a slew of scandals.
Oh wow.............

Honestly, I don’t care who calls me a partisan hack, I just don’t see how anyone takes any Republican over any Democrat.
You watch those debates man, you tell me those guys aren’t insane. I mean, as in, clinically. As in, you can watch them and legitimately wonder who the hell let them out of the “facility”? I saw someone call Rudy the human skull the other day. Best description ever. Grinning death on a stick. How’d you like to see that head plus Duncan Hunter coming at you in a dark alley?… it could get even worse…maybe the terminally grinning Romney is bringing up the rear with a Louisville slugger, and crazy eyes Huck is on the side with a bible in his hand screaming about the end times. I’d scream and have a heart attack right there. Here’s my wallet! Take it please, just leave me alone!

Say whatever you want about any of the dems, and I have my serious and deeply felt, and probably unbridgeable problems with several of them…they look and sound sane!

Maybe I am the nut, but to me, that counts for something.

darla takes on the 'Valley Girl' personna...like she is a 'Valley Girl' gag me with a spoon!
I know what you're saying is mostly correct, LadyT, but I have been permanently scarred by the 2000 race.

I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President." I remember watching a debate w/ my wife, and we were cracking up at how simplistic & fumbling Bush was next to Gore; we were actually embarassed for him, and I thought the pundits might be too hard on him as a result. As soon as the debate ended, the 1st comment was Peggy Noonan saying "I think George Bush just closed the deal," and a bunch of other mediabots chiming in with how Gore killed himself on style points.

I have very little faith in the electorate of this country.

I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President."


McCain has the best shot in the general. the other two nuts will go down in flames against all democratic front runners. The only problem is McCain probably won't win the nod and in the case, the stupidity of repubican voters might actually help us.

Maybe I will start stumping for Ru Paul.

McCain has the best shot in the general. the other two nuts will go down in flames against all democratic front runners. The only problem is McCain probably won't win the nod and in the case, the stupidity of repubican voters might actually help us.

Maybe I will start stumping for Ru Paul.

It amazes me that so-called independents and so-called moderates will vote for McCain in large enough numbers to give him that advantage in a general. I mean, the guy is a war monger. He’s a crazy war monger. All of this shit about him being a maverick and an independent, is just that, shit. He's a maverick alright...if you consider nuking Iran to be maverick.
I still have no comprehension how people could look at Bush & Gore on stage together & think "yeah, that Bush guy is a better candidate for President."


LOL. Are you startin gtrouble again? You R such a trouble maker.