POTUS is well on his way to unleashing hell on earth on the homegrown enemies of America


Well-known member
If a bee stings you it is normally no big deal,...a couple bees,...same thing. But unleash a whole hornets nest on you and you are in BIG trouble. Chaos? No silly little libtards,...CONTROLLED Chaos. Our enemies are being hit from all angles,...all at the same time. MASSIVE firepower unleashed from the land sea and air so to speak. RAPID Continuous fire,........our enemies have no idea where to turn or where to run. Hammer and anvil baby,...Hammer and anvil. Best part? We haven't even gotten to shock and awe yet. But its coming...... ;) Four years have gone into this. You have no idea.....

Reading comprehension is your friend. OBVIOUSLY I am not talking about MILITARY force...LOL. I am talking about hitting our home grown enemies from every front all at the same time just exactly like what POTUS is doing when it comes to ISSUES. There isn't enuff lawyers in the whole world that can stop what is coming. The changes will be RAPID. Furthermore,....it is what THE PEOPLE want.
Reading comprehension is your friend. OBVIOUSLY I am not talking about MILITARY force...LOL. I am talking about hitting our home grown enemies from every front all at the same time just exactly like what POTUS is doing when it comes to ISSUES. There isn't enuff lawyers in the whole world that can stop what is coming. The changes will be RAPID. Furthermore,....it is what THE PEOPLE want.
I read just fine. Hit the "home grown enemies" with what? And what/who the hell are "home grown enemies"?
I read just fine. Hit the "home grown enemies" with what? And what/who the hell are "home grown enemies"?

This is a big reason why the left is where it finds itself today. This willful blindness . Don't worry about it lefty,.... you guys are doing fine,....everything is going just great for you. :rolleyes:

If a bee stings you it is normally no big deal,...a couple bees,...same thing. But unleash a whole hornets nest on you and you are in BIG trouble. Chaos? No silly little libtards,...CONTROLLED Chaos. Our enemies are being hit from all angles,...all at the same time. MASSIVE firepower unleashed from the land sea and air so to speak. RAPID Continuous fire,........our enemies have no idea where to turn or where to run. Hammer and anvil baby,...Hammer and anvil. Best part? We haven't even gotten to shock and awe yet. But its coming...... ;) Four years have gone into this. You have no idea.....

More bloated pasty face fantasies
Immigrcsnd Nationslity Act
Said the guy who has been proven WRONG on almost everything. Hey,...how's that whole Minorities will carry Kamala to the Whitehouse prediction coming? Hispanics seemed to disagree. BIGLY I might add.

Guano is a Democratic useful idiot. not unlike the old USSR democratic useful idiots.
Said the guy who has been proven WRONG on almost everything. Hey,...how's that whole Minorities will carry Kamala to the Whitehouse prediction coming? Hispanics seemed to disagree. BIGLY I might add.

Poor porch honkey

Did Kamala get a majority of people to vote for her, Rarely Right Walter?

Who won the election, do you even know?

Are you alright?
Biden got 51+% of the vote, as did Obama twice. Obama is the first President to get 51+% of the vote twice since Eisenhower, 70 years ago.
Biden got 51+% of the vote, as did Obama twice. Obama is the first President to get 51+% of the vote twice since Eisenhower, 70 years ago.
Note my post, it referred to Kamala, Rarely Right Walter.

I'll help you...it was in 2024.

Did Kamala get a majority of people to vote for her, Rarely Right Walter?

Who won the election, do you even know?

Are you alright?
If a bee stings you it is normally no big deal,...a couple bees,...same thing. But unleash a whole hornets nest on you and you are in BIG trouble. Chaos? No silly little libtards,...CONTROLLED Chaos. Our enemies are being hit from all angles,...all at the same time. MASSIVE firepower unleashed from the land sea and air so to speak. RAPID Continuous fire,........our enemies have no idea where to turn or where to run. Hammer and anvil baby,...Hammer and anvil. Best part? We haven't even gotten to shock and awe yet. But its coming...... ;) Four years have gone into this. You have no idea.....

What an asshole.