Powell on Iraq: U.S. Army 'about broken'


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Everybody but a handful of Chimp-lovers know Bush is destroying the U.S. Army.
This is very similar to something the British Chief of Defence Staff said.

Iraq is breaking the British Army, and we need to concentrate on Afghanistan, where we can win and have a chance of positively affecting the result....
"FORMER US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said the United States is losing a "civil war" in Iraq and he is not persuaded that an increase in troops would reverse the situation. "

"Mr Bush has rejected the conclusions of the Iraq Study Group and ... he has insisted that the violence in Iraq is not a civil war."


Gee, I wonder who's word I'll take on this one?

I know I'm completely in the minority on this one, but we need to pull out ASAP. Can someone tell me exactly what they hope to achieve by staying there? Its a civil war. We're not even the main targets anymore and they've turned on each other. There is nothing to be gained by staying there besides securing an oil source.
I say pull out. This pulling total victory out of our butts thing is a pipe dream.

We don't even have clearly defined metrics for declaring a victory. What is this mysterious "job" Bush is talking about? And how will we know when its done? I'm almost afraid to ask that question because I'm sure Dixie or some other apologist will come back with some diatribe full of rhetoric centering on "freedom" and "democracy"
And I think we are missing the bigger picture here folks. If a little place like Iraq can break our army.......
We don't even have clearly defined metrics for declaring a victory. What is this mysterious "job" Bush is talking about? And how will we know when its done? I'm almost afraid to ask that question because I'm sure Dixie or some other apologist will come back with some diatribe full of rhetoric centering on "freedom" and "democracy"

"What is this mysterious "job" Bush is talking about?"

Dixie said last summer "the job" is almost complete:


-DIXIE, August 10, 2006: "….how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete! Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests."
And I think we are missing the bigger picture here folks. If a little place like Iraq can break our army.......

Militarily, I still think we are the best in world. But thats only in traditional warfare. Terrorism can't be fought with a traditional army. And until our monkey boy in chief realizes that, we'll continue to waste $B's daily.
"What is this mysterious "job" Bush is talking about?"

Dixie said last summer "the job" is almost complete:

And what job is that? I don't count intangible goals either, like "winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people".
If a little place like Iraq can break our army.......

No external army could deal with Iraq at the minute.

It can only be resolved internally...
Militarily, I still think we are the best in world.

Pound for pound I'd take the British Army.

Our size and technology would have you guys on your knees. Now if the Israeli Army was the size of ours, hands down, they would be the best in the world.
Our size and technology would have you guys on your knees. Now if the Israeli Army was the size of ours, hands down, they would be the best in the world.
Yeah, all the US tech and people who are well-trained...

They kick some butt. And they know how to keep info off the radio. Unlike the US...
Our army is not broken. The mission in iraq will be completed when the government there takes over running things.

We aren't losing a civil war as we are not fighting a civil war.

The ali babas are attacking shites to get them to attack sunni's, who then respond by attacking the shites.

If we pull out right now then the shites with the help of iran will take over everything and attempt to massacre all the sunnis, who will then be supported by the sauds and syria. Escalating into a big mideast war. Think gas prices are high now? let that get going. And if you think we wouldn't be dragged into it think again.

uscitizen = surrender monkey