Powell on Iraq: U.S. Army 'about broken'

Our army is not broken. The mission in iraq will be completed when the government there takes over running things.

We aren't losing a civil war as we are not fighting a civil war.

The ali babas are attacking shites to get them to attack sunni's, who then respond by attacking the shites.

If we pull out right now then the shites with the help of iran will take over everything and attempt to massacre all the sunnis, who will then be supported by the sauds and syria. Escalating into a big mideast war. Think gas prices are high now? let that get going. And if you think we wouldn't be dragged into it think again.

So now its about oil.

Reason number 4,229 for the Iraq War.
Our size and technology would have you guys on your knees. Now if the Israeli Army was the size of ours, hands down, they would be the best in the world.

That's why I said pound for pound.

I don't rate the IDF. Look at the mess they have made of counter-insurgency in Palestine! They simply exasperate the problem. Compare that to the BA in Northern Ireland...

The IDF got its arse kicked in Lebanon recently....

The US military relies too heavily on technology and overwhelming firepower and lets fieldcraft slip. You see US troops in Iraq, all bunched up, not covering arcs etc.

When I served, we did a training exercise in the US with our equivilent unit. Their night navigation exercise consisted of following a trail of glow sticks through a forest!!!
Our army is not broken. The mission in iraq will be completed when the government there takes over running things.

We aren't losing a civil war as we are not fighting a civil war.

The ali babas are attacking shites to get them to attack sunni's, who then respond by attacking the shites.

If we pull out right now then the shites with the help of iran will take over everything and attempt to massacre all the sunnis, who will then be supported by the sauds and syria. Escalating into a big mideast war. Think gas prices are high now? let that get going. And if you think we wouldn't be dragged into it think again.

uscitizen = surrender monkey

Our army is not broken. The mission in iraq will be completed when the government there takes over running things.

"Running Things"? I thought they were "running things" Are you suggesting that the elections were a farce and that the US is still running Iraq?

We aren't losing a civil war as we are not fighting a civil war."


I stand corrected. We're just getting picked off one by one because we are in the middle of a civil war.

If we pull out right now then the shites with the help of iran will take over everything and attempt to massacre all the sunnis, who will then be supported by the sauds and syria. Escalating into a big mideast war. Think gas prices are high now? let that get going. And if you think we wouldn't be dragged into it think again.

I think we'd easily get dragged into another conflict that has nothing to do with us, if republicans are in charge. We need to re-evaluate our response to middle east conflicts. Regarding Iran and the Sauds invading Iraq, I don't think that will happen if we exit and are stationed on the outskirts of Iraq. Redeployment and making it clear that we are allied with the Iraq gov't as a whole will be enough for Iran. I think its clear in the elections that just took place that Iranians are as interested in a war as the american people are meaning they aren't. The Sauds may funnel money to Sunni's and fund terrorist operations as they did 9/11, but as for an all out war, I think you're being a drama queen.
"Running Things"? I thought they were "running things" Are you suggesting that the elections were a farce and that the US is still running Iraq?


I stand corrected. We're just getting picked off one by one because we are in the middle of a civil war.

I think we'd easily get dragged into another conflict that has nothing to do with us, if republicans are in charge. We need to re-evaluate our response to middle east conflicts. Regarding Iran and the Sauds invading Iraq, I don't think that will happen if we exit and are stationed on the outskirts of Iraq. Redeployment and making it clear that we are allied with the Iraq gov't as a whole will be enough for Iran. I think its clear in the elections that just took place that Iranians are as interested in a war as the american people are meaning they aren't. The Sauds may funnel money to Sunni's and fund terrorist operations as they did 9/11, but as for an all out war, I think you're being a drama queen.

Classic ownage.
Classic ownage.

LOL, thanks.

These war apologists tend to invision and dream up the worst possible scenario when you mention leaving, yet somehow breeze over the current scenario which is that of death and instability.

And why is that now the apologists some how have the ability to look ahead and foresee unfavorable circumstances. Where the hell was this talent before we got into this quagmire?
LOL, thanks.

These war apologists tend to invision and dream up the worst possible scenario when you mention leaving, yet somehow breeze over the current scenario which is that of death and instability.

And why is that now the apologists some how have the ability to look ahead and foresee unfavorable circumstances. Where the hell was this talent before we got into this quagmire?

And why is that now the apologists some how have the ability to look ahead and foresee unfavorable circumstances. Where the hell was this talent before we got into this quagmire?

We probably ought to let the people who did correctly envision what would happen if Bush and Dixie invaded iraq, start making the judgements, predictions, and decisions.
I predicted what would happen, but I feel that the ones that made the mess should clean it up. But then that appears to be like getting the 2 yr old who broke out the window to replace it....
so I guess we will just have to whip the repubs asses and clean up their mess for them.
I predicted what would happen, but I feel that the ones that made the mess should clean it up. But then that appears to be like getting the 2 yr old who broke out the window to replace it....
so I guess we will just have to whip the repubs asses and clean up their mess for them.

It would have been nice if the repugs succeeded at making a clean exit and not wasted billions on a civil war that we have NO control over, but clearly they are idiots. If any good came out of this debacle its that over the last two years the people's eyes have been opened to the utter incompetence and failures that plague the republican leadership.
Our size and technology would have you guys on your knees. Now if the Israeli Army was the size of ours, hands down, they would be the best in the world.

That's why I said pound for pound.

I don't rate the IDF. Look at the mess they have made of counter-insurgency in Palestine! They simply exasperate the problem. Compare that to the BA in Northern Ireland...

...........When I served, we did a training exercise in the US with our equivilent unit. Their night navigation exercise consisted of following a trail of glow sticks through a forest!!!

Well, I'd have to see example of recent operations where the Brits have gone in it alone without being led by US forces.

As for the IDF I'd agree that lately, they've been awful at keeping the peace. Neither have the US and the UK for that matter, but as for their army, I think they are unparalleled. All of their neighbors despised them and they've been constantly attacked and have been at war several times over the last quarter of a century and they are still going strong untoppled.
Militarily, I still think we are the best in world.

Pound for pound I'd take the British Army.

You might be right about the British army being pound for pound better than the american army. We're still positioned to fight large-scale groundwars against invading divisions of Soviet or North Korean tanks.

Pound for pound, the U.S. air force and navy are better than the UK's, I would guess. We have the best pilots and aircraft. Helicopters too.
Umm , didn't we buy harriers from the Brits ?

Harrier is not an air-superiorty jet fighter. Its great at what it does, but it has its limitations.

Our american aircraft are the best in the world, with the best trained pilots.

I think only Marines use Harrier - its a close range ground support attack aircarft. Perfect for Marine operations.

But, its not an air-superiority jet fighter, like F-15 eagle, or F-18 SuperHornet.