
I'd buy a Top Fuel team and a farm. I'd give to the disabled veterans. But not a dime toward politicians. I would buy more guns!
I’ve made one political donation in my life (ironically to Gavin Newsom) and have said I wouldn’t do so again. (That donation was almost 20 years ago and so far I’ve stayed true to that.). So I understand your feelings there.

I can't believe that you'd admit to such a crass act.
Anyone playing? If so, what are you going to do with your fortune if you win?

I will share it with everyone on JPP.

I'm kidding, of course. I'll go straight to the cigarette boat store, buy a two of them, buy a mansion on a lake, purchase the newest version of the vehicle I have, never drive it, just sit in it in my garage.

Then of course, I'll call everyone I used to report to, tell them I'm rich and to suck it.
Sure, the fantasy is worth a few bucks.

I would secure the financial security of the ones I love. That would take up a small part of the winnings.

I would support humanitarian causes that I feel important. That I think could make the world a better place. Unlike many wealthy people, I would not use that money in political causes.

Oh, gag me :)
Set up programs that help educate kids that are self sustaining

If you have a big enough bundle of money in the right place it can fund indefinitely

And have your helped people give some back after the good results have paid off

Donated time and or money

Evince, I have another bone to pick with you. Evince, my time is valuable. No, it's not, but that's not the point! Evice, I ventured out a few minutes ago because my microwave clock said "6AM", which is when the HEB opens. I start my vehicle and notice the clock said, "5am".

Evince, we count on you for news alerts. You failed to tell us about the time change. Please get back on top of it!

Thank you :)
Anyone playing? If so, what are you going to do with your fortune if you win?

I would shatter the record for conspicuous consumption by a seventy-six year old.
The gestapo and the two offspring will get a quarter each--four signatures on the winning ticket.
But me? I kill my decrepit self
having whatever fun that I'm still capable of having.

Philanthropy is all well and good, but 1.9 billion, unfortunately, can't put the tiniest dent in the world's inequities.
I'm swimming in Dom Perignon.
Although I will donate a significant something to the SPCA.
Puppies and kitties get to me more than fucking people.

Having said that, I understand that this is fanciful typing.
I never win jack shit gambling. Ask the Nevada economy.
Evince, I have another bone to pick with you. Evince, my time is valuable. No, it's not, but that's not the point! Evice, I ventured out a few minutes ago because my microwave clock said "6AM", which is when the HEB opens. I start my vehicle and notice the clock said, "5am".

Evince, we count on you for news alerts. You failed to tell us about the time change. Please get back on top of it!

Thank you :)


It was my day off