Powerful Times cover. Don't leave Afghanistan.

That wouldn't have happened if we didn't put ideas into young people's minds. Can't you grasp the problem? We go into Afghanistan shooting off our mouth we're there to free the people. And protect them. So young people growing up, like the girl in question, takes us at our word.

"YIPPEE! We're free! The Americans have arrived!"

Unfortunately, there were no Americans around when she had her nose chopped off.

And we have failed her. We should've gone in with a force of size sufficient to stabilize the region.

Do you understand the consequences of interfering in other cultures? There are ways to try and change things and the way we're going is not the way.

Maybe you should ask the girl in question.

If people went to prison for cutting girls noses off they wouldn't cut peoples noses off. The problem here is a lack of order. There have always been women trying to escape from their abusive husband. Things like this probably happened under straight Taliban rule, you just never heard about it.

I'd just like to make it clearly that I don't support war with the primary purpose of establishing a government that protects peoples already established rights. Obviously such a fanatical crusade would result in far more loss of freedom than it gained. But in Afghanistan we had a just causa bellum, and since we're there we may as well change the government for the better. And we have strategic reasons to stabilize the region anyway; letting the Taliban establish a new bed for terrorists would be idiotic. The surge worked to stabilize Iraq and I don't see a reason why it can't work in Afghanistan.

The general population does not want change and unless we stay there until all those people grow old and die the old way of life will return as soon as we leave.

The general population does not particularly like the Taliban either.

Let me give you an example. In southern France the woman are allowed to walk around topless. Let's say a foreign power overtook us and told you your 16 year old daughter was allowed to go out topless. If you resisted or interfered with her you would be arrested. How long would it take for you to accept the ways of the foreign power? If the foreign power left would you continue to allow your daughter to go around topless or insist she conform to the "old ways".

Looking forward to your reply.

Clearly the only solution is to cut her nose and ears off.
the irony is that even if no nose she's still probably cuter than 90% of afghan girls

Well here are some Afghan girls.

I'd just like to make it clearly that I don't support war with the primary purpose of establishing a government that protects peoples already established rights. Obviously such a fanatical crusade would result in far more loss of freedom than it gained. But in Afghanistan we had a just causa bellum, and since we're there we may as well change the government for the better. And we have strategic reasons to stabilize the region anyway; letting the Taliban establish a new bed for terrorists would be idiotic. The surge worked to stabilize Iraq and I don't see a reason why it can't work in Afghanistan.

The Iraqis were used to a strong central government under Saddam. The Afghans are used to tribal governments. Different mind set.

The Allies want to establish a strong central government and the Afghans don't want a strong central government, regardless of who is running it. That's the problem.

Two tribes may despise each other but they both despise a central government.

As for the Taliban allowing terrorists the type of operation necessary is spot-cleaning. Undercover work. Leave the general population alone.

Clearly the only solution is to cut her nose and ears off.

Nice evasion. Of course I doubted you'd have a coherent reply.
The Iraqis were used to a strong central government under Saddam. The Afghans are used to tribal governments. Different mind set.

The Allies want to establish a strong central government and the Afghans don't want a strong central government, regardless of who is running it. That's the problem.

Two tribes may despise each other but they both despise a central government.

As for the Taliban allowing terrorists the type of operation necessary is spot-cleaning. Undercover work. Leave the general population alone.

Make sure the Taliban leaves the general population alone.

Nice evasion. Of course I doubted you'd have a coherent reply.

More like a complete and total curb stomp. The strength of an analogy depends upon how similar it is to the original question. Your analogy was an extraordinarily shitty one.
Tom, there's a boy in that picture.

Apple, despite the Ba'ath Party rule, the Iraqis still largely lived by tribal culture, and its through the sheiks that the military has to operate to gain loyalty and information.
Make sure the Taliban leaves the general population alone.

If the general population despised the Taliban so much they would have jumped at the opportunity to join the Allies and fight. It's been nine years.

The Allies invade a region, chase the Taliban out, then leave and the Taliban return. Or some Taliban fit in with the general population until the "heat" settles and then re-emerge. The point being the general population hasn't taken a definite stand because the Allies are not only after the Taliban but want to change Afghan customs, as well. And that's not going to happen unless we never leave.

More like a complete and total curb stomp. The strength of an analogy depends upon how similar it is to the original question. Your analogy was an extraordinarily shitty one.

Not at all. Just as our society finds uncovered female breasts objectionable the Afghans find uncovered female heads and faces objectionable along with our music and other customs. That is going to take a long time to change and having our troops die trying to change it (over 60 this month alone) is an outrage.

Of course, the further outrage is the running of Armed Service's ADS here luring our impressionable youth with exciting action pictures and promises of money upon enlistment. I bet there's more than a few permanently injured young men and women thinking back to their enlistment wondering "what the hell was I thinking?"

Yea, we'll give you a job but it may literally cost you an arm or a leg or put you in a wheel chair for life. That's disgusting.
If the general population despised the Taliban so much they would have jumped at the opportunity to join the Allies and fight. It's been nine years.

The Allies invade a region, chase the Taliban out, then leave and the Taliban return. Or some Taliban fit in with the general population until the "heat" settles and then re-emerge. The point being the general population hasn't taken a definite stand because the Allies are not only after the Taliban but want to change Afghan customs, as well. And that's not going to happen unless we never leave.

Not at all. Just as our society finds uncovered female breasts objectionable the Afghans find uncovered female heads and faces objectionable along with our music and other customs. That is going to take a long time to change and having our troops die trying to change it (over 60 this month alone) is an outrage.

Of course, the further outrage is the running of Armed Service's ADS here luring our impressionable youth with exciting action pictures and promises of money upon enlistment. I bet there's more than a few permanently injured young men and women thinking back to their enlistment wondering "what the hell was I thinking?"

Yea, we'll give you a job but it may literally cost you an arm or a leg or put you in a wheel chair for life. That's disgusting.

If you truly believe that the young men and women who are volunteering to join the US Military don't understand what they may run be involved in; you are either the stupidist person on the face of the earth, or are just willfully ignorant.

The determination will be decided by how many more asinine comments you make.
Tom, there's a boy in that picture.

Apple, despite the Ba'ath Party rule, the Iraqis still largely lived by tribal culture, and its through the sheiks that the military has to operate to gain loyalty and information.

I don't recall saying that they were all girls?
If the general population despised the Taliban so much they would have jumped at the opportunity to join the Allies and fight. It's been nine years.

Just like if the general population despised the Communists, they certainly wouldn't have let them win. Again, a fanatical minority that's' willing to put their life on the line is easily able to subjugate a moderate and passive majority.

The Allies invade a region, chase the Taliban out, then leave and the Taliban return. Or some Taliban fit in with the general population until the "heat" settles and then re-emerge. The point being the general population hasn't taken a definite stand because the Allies are not only after the Taliban but want to change Afghan customs, as well. And that's not going to happen unless we never leave.

Not changing the "customs". Making them voluntary.

Not at all. Just as our society finds uncovered female breasts objectionable the Afghans find uncovered female heads and faces objectionable along with our music and other customs. That is going to take a long time to change and having our troops die trying to change it (over 60 this month alone) is an outrage.

Of course, the further outrage is the running of Armed Service's ADS here luring our impressionable youth with exciting action pictures and promises of money upon enlistment. I bet there's more than a few permanently injured young men and women thinking back to their enlistment wondering "what the hell was I thinking?"

Yea, we'll give you a job but it may literally cost you an arm or a leg or put you in a wheel chair for life. That's disgusting.

She was not punished for not wearing a head scarf. You're relativist bullshit is extremely annoying. The "tradition" of wearing a head scarf has really only even been in place since the 70's. Why do they all wear them now? Because the Taliban changed their customs.

Anyway, this girl was punished for running away. For refusing to be a sex slave. Well, it's part of their culture! Can't complain. If someones culture requires that you inflict suffering on others, they have every right to do it. It was completely and totally immoral for us to force our morals on the Nazi's in WWII and keep them from slaughtering the Jews, or for us to force our morals on the south and free black people. When will humanity learn?