Only if trump's "enemy" was FoxNews. he calling into them, but other than that, and a few even more extreme conspiracy blogs, avoided the press. Remember he is the first president in over a hundred years to spend many days in bed. he didn't even face his own staff on many days. They would put a pile of Big Macs by the door, and that was his only direct human interaction.

Even trump's press secretary was too scared to answer questions for almost a year. trump was pathetic, and everyone knows it.

Every President selects which reporters he will answer, but trump pathetically could not recognize the reporters he picked. And then his answers were from bizarro land, even to the softball questions he got.

he did so bad in interviews, that FoxNews hung up on him. An American cable news network hung up on the President of the USA, do you realize how weird that is? It was because trump was making a fool of himself, even with softball questions.
Biden is more actor playing a President than he is a President.

The Empire has noticed how fucked in the head America is now.
Biden is more actor playing a President than he is a President.

That would better describe Reagan. trump tried to be an actor playing the president, but failed even to be that much.

Biden is an experienced politician, who was VP for 8 years, and Senator for 36 years. He has been great, so far, at getting things done.
That would better describe Reagan. trump tried to be an actor playing the president, but failed even to be that much.

Biden is an experienced politician, who was VP for 8 years, and Senator for 36 years. He has been great, so far, at getting things done.


You may not like the bills that Biden has shepherded through Congress, first for Obama, and now for himself, but there is no denying that he has been good at getting them through Congress. trump could not even get his full stimulus check through Congress with all the Democratic support, and most of the Republican support. The problem is he would say he would make phone calls, and then sleep all day.