Preach on Brother Greenspan

Many "libertarian" leaning republicans can be counted on to reliably vote Republican no matter how stupid, incompetent, or even corrupt the candidate they put up is.
Well, I can reliably vote libertarian when I feel they need a wakeup call.
Greenie is just trying to make money on a book ;)
There was nothing in it for him to admit to the oil truth before now.
Bummer - just read that he's backing off the "oil" comment. They must've gotten to him.

I still appreciate the fiscal comments. America has been so focused on Iraq (and for good reason), that it's easy to forget how badly Bush as f'd us up in other areas...
I think the "oil" comment was just in an interview; it's not in the book.

The book does slam Bush & praise Clinton, though...
I heard his interview (on 60 minutes I think) last night and the interviewer was kind of being a pr!ck, but I thought he was pretty frank. He basically confirmed what we knew and that was that Clinton was the smartest he work with but he said he traditionally votes republican when asked whether or not he'd vote for Hillary.

Well, of course greeny is going to vote for whoever the GOP nominee is. No matter how much of a bush-clone they are.

Didn't you get the memo? Embarrased republicans are now claiming that bush isn't really one of them. He's actually a "liberal". It absolves them of any responsibility for his failed republican agenda.

And what's even stranger is that in 2004, when we ALL know what bush was all about, these same republicans remained quiet as a church mouse about mounting a primary challege to Bush for the GOP nomination - in spite of the fact that bush was really just a "liberal".
Well, of course greeny is going to vote for whoever the GOP nominee is. No matter how much of a bush-clone they are.

Didn't you get the memo? Embarrased republicans are now claiming that bush isn't really one of them. He's actually a "liberal". It absolves them of any responsibility for his failed republican agenda.

And what's even stranger is that in 2004, when we ALL know what bush was all about, these same republicans remained quiet as a church mouse about mounting a primary challege to Bush for the GOP nomination - in spite of the fact that bush was really just a "liberal".

LOL :readit: It is quite hilarious how they've changed their tune. Suddenly despite the ABB campains of 2004 he's now just a liberal. No. I didn't get the memo, but now I know. Just like I didn't get the memo that Iraq was really the fault of democrats. I was wondering why suddenly the discourse implies such.
Well, of course greeny is going to vote for whoever the GOP nominee is. No matter how much of a bush-clone they are.

Didn't you get the memo? Embarrased republicans are now claiming that bush isn't really one of them. He's actually a "liberal". It absolves them of any responsibility for his failed republican agenda.

And what's even stranger is that in 2004, when we ALL know what bush was all about, these same republicans remained quiet as a church mouse about mounting a primary challege to Bush for the GOP nomination - in spite of the fact that bush was really just a "liberal".

This is bullcrap. I'm still waiting for my Ron Paul talking points memo so I can answer a question from last week. Now I haven't been sent my embarrased Republicans memo? Whose in charge at the RNC? I can't onto the board without those!
This is bullcrap. I'm still waiting for my Ron Paul talking points memo so I can answer a question from last week. Now I haven't been sent my embarrased Republicans memo? Whose in charge at the RNC? I can't onto the board without those!

The problem is that you're one of the few straight republicans left. While you're out scoping out women, these memos are being circulated in men's rooms.
The job of the fed chair is not as commentator on policy and politics. It would have been a horrible call for Greenspan to comment sooner. He should not have said anything on the tax cuts.

Is a self centered moron...he says whatever and whichever way the wind blows! He is full of hot air...from the get go!...Like another person said...'He is Selling a Book!'..end of story!
The job of the fed chair is not as commentator on policy and politics. It would have been a horrible call for Greenspan to comment sooner. He should not have said anything on the tax cuts.

Yes, but seems like I recall all the bushies using Greenspans statements for their purposes and justification, not saying it was not his job...
Anytime a past Bush supporter comes out against Bush NOW he is full of shit, hot air, trying to get back at Bush etc. Bush goobersmoochers still think that History will bear him out as a foreign and economic policy genius
Anytime a past Bush supporter comes out against Bush NOW he is full of shit, hot air, trying to get back at Bush etc. Bush goobersmoochers still think that History will bear him out as a foreign and economic policy genius

I can only answer for myself but I think there are others that feel like me in saying I think your analysis is way off.

I can go into it more if you are interested but specifically on his economic policy I don't think you are going to see anyone coming out and claiming the growth of government spending under Bush was a good thing.