Predictably, Bidenvirus cases drop, lockdowns and panic continue

New COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths all dropped this month as the predictable result of the politicized WHO and the DEMOCRAT-controlled CDC "updating" their "guidance" to make it look like the fake president is "eradicating" the Chinese disease.

Nevertheless, DEMOCRAT politicians and bureaucrats have not abated their foolish fear-mongering.

The idiotic CDC has even called for “double-masking” and wrapping pantyhose around your head.

It is becoming more and more obvious to more and more people just how much of this is just fear mongering. No mask or panty hose is capable of stopping a virus.
If I owned a small business I’d put a sign up that said “no face diapers allowed”.

Customers would flock to it.

I have already made it policy on all of my properties that no masks are allowed on them (unless someone is doing dusty work, and only when they doing that work).
Why do you feel the need to include an oversized corny copy and paste piece in your posts?

With winter upon us, and the threat of new variants to the virus spreading, the Administration is taking a position of caution, would you rather they get out front and tell everyone it is nothing, under control, and promote idiotic treatments for the virus?

And on shutdowns, I can’t recall anywhere where everything is shut down, most regions are using the science, employing testing to predict infection rates, and acting accordingly. The everything is shutdown rant is talk radio/Fox rhetoric

Many businesses have been shut down for so long now they have been DRIVEN OUT OF BUSINESS.
People were placed under house arrest in the SOTC, and the SOTNY (what used by be the States of California and New York.

Masks do not stop a virus.
6 feet does not stop a virus.
Closing a business does not stop a virus.

ALL of it is unconstitutional. Governors are not kings. Dictatorships are illegal in the United States.
I am from the Government and I am here to help, are the scariest 11 words in history! Sorry second scariest, first would be I am a democrat from the government and I am here to help you!

Reagan sure started a terrible turn for America with that stupid statement. I wondered if a dumb thing like that would stay with us. I did not think the American people were that stupid. The national government is shipping tons of aid to texas. Just like they do what we have hurricanes and national disasters. Regulations are for the benefit of the powerless American people who have no power to fight corporations and the wealthy. The government is the only entity that can stand up to them.
Yet rightys think the government is bad and corporations are good. Hello fascism, we are coming.
Reagan sure started a terrible turn for America with that stupid statement.
He wasn't the first to use it. I've seen this phrase used as early as the 60's.
I wondered if a dumb thing like that would stay with us. I did not think the American people were that stupid.
Calling everyone in America stupid is just bigotry.
The national government is shipping tons of aid to texas.
Just like they do what we have hurricanes and national disasters.
And now for a completely irrelevant pivot.
Regulations are for the benefit of the powerless American people who have no power to fight corporations and the wealthy.
Corporations at not evil. Bigotry. Wealthy are not evil. Bigotry.
The government is the only entity that can stand up to them.
Government CREATED the laws that allow corporations as a business structure, dumbass.
Biden is wealthy. Pelosi is wealthy. Obama is wealthy. So...government is the only entity that can stand up to the likes of Biden, Pelosi,or Obama????
Yet rightys think the government is bad
A republic form of government produces nothing. It has no profit motive. It is formed and given certain authorities and powers. It has NO authorities or powers outside the limited set specified in the constitution forming that government. A government that ignores it's constitution becomes an oligarchy or dictatorship. It is no longer a republic.

Oligarchies and dictatorships are bad. They only cause misery.
and corporations are good.
They are. It allows anyone to buy a share of interest in a business.
Hello fascism, we are coming.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets. It is already here. The federal government is being turned into an oligarchy by DEMOCRATS to implement fascism.
You won’t have as many, stupid business practice. Good thing you aren’t a small business owner.

I happen to be a small business owner. We have not lost a single customer. Masks are not allowed anywhere on my properties unless a worker is doing a dusty job, and only while doing that job.