Prediction: Expect a new commercial...

No I meant me, I am inappropriately flirting with you again.

I thought thats what you were doing. Of course, you know that by flirting with Onceler you will be sending out the message to other men that you are available.

Onceler, flirt back with the girl a little, willya? Think about what it will do to Darla's self esteem to be ignored!
Onceler did not pick up on it so I have to doubt his ability for conversions a bit ;)

Nah, Onceler is married and so he probably ignores most flirting that is aimed at him. Or he figured he was mistaken about it.
I don’t know onceler, how metro are you, you don’t’ have a vagina do you? For some reason this reminded me of the sex and the city episode where charlotte decides she wants to be a lesbian and starts hanging out with lesbians and she is telling this woman how free she feels not worrying about men judging her, blah blah blah, and this woman answers her with something that is too gross for even me to post, but it was very funny. Anyway, the point is, I am pretty sure that Rachel is a hard core lesbian, so no I don’t think she’d consider you no matter how many manacures you get. But there’s always me. I’m not a hard core lesbian. As you know from reading men on this board – I am a real “man hater”…but I’m persuadable.
Wow if you are half as sexy as your brain where do I start sending flowers?
I thought thats what you were doing. Of course, you know that by flirting with Onceler you will be sending out the message to other men that you are available.

Onceler, flirt back with the girl a little, willya? Think about what it will do to Darla's self esteem to be ignored!

My self-esteem is fine, and it wasn’t an open invitation.
Come on guys, I am flirting with onceler! What are you guys like in a bar man?

You know how us guys are. lol

Besides, I didn't say you were sending out invitations, just that some guys would see it that way. Let me know if I am completely wrong.

I didn't actually doubt your self-esteem. I was just trying to prod Onceler to flirt back a little.

I can live vicariously thru him. :inno:
Hey - I missed all this! Work's been busy. Darla's right; this thread did assume kind of a bar-like quality to it. Cool with me, because I need a beer right now.

As for not flirting back, I did kind of imply that abandoning our lives & rushing off to France was on the table; I can't think right now of how I can up the ante on that, but I'll work on it...
Hey - I missed all this! Work's been busy. Darla's right; this thread did assume kind of a bar-like quality to it. Cool with me, because I need a beer right now.

As for not flirting back, I did kind of imply that abandoning our lives & rushing off to France was on the table; I can't think right now of how I can up the ante on that, but I'll work on it...

You did make her quite an offer. I think, Onceler, that you might want to start off a little slower? I mean, its a great offer, but now you have to go to even greater lengths to top it.

The upside is that no other guy is going to step in and try and flirt.


Have a beer and enjoy, Once.
Hey - I missed all this! Work's been busy. Darla's right; this thread did assume kind of a bar-like quality to it. Cool with me, because I need a beer right now.

As for not flirting back, I did kind of imply that abandoning our lives & rushing off to France was on the table; I can't think right now of how I can up the ante on that, but I'll work on it...

don't listen to them. :)
You did make her quite an offer. I think, Onceler, that you might want to start off a little slower? I mean, its a great offer, but now you have to go to even greater lengths to top it.

The upside is that no other guy is going to step in and try and flirt.


Have a beer and enjoy, Once.

i think i will have a beer. do you know they cut off my pain killers? i have a few left, so i had to cut my dose. a beer chaser should do the trick.
i think i will have a beer. do you know they cut off my pain killers? i have a few left, so i had to cut my dose. a beer chaser should do the trick.

what are you taking? They gave me Vicodin but I never took any. Now half the people in my office want them from me.
what are you taking? They gave me Vicodin but I never took any. Now half the people in my office want them from me.

percocet. i can understand why they want them. i can even understand why they cut me off. it's really addictive. and the pain now is bearable with motrin. but the percocet makes the pain invisible.
Vicodins are very addicting. I still have some in my medicine cabinet because I wouldn't even take the whole prescription. I fear becoming Rush Limbaugh. Imagine the scandal.

MSNBC would have a field day...

percocet. i can understand why they want them. i can even understand why they cut me off. it's really addictive. and the pain now is bearable with motrin. but the percocet makes the pain invisible.

Darla, for real is that what you took? I've had one experience with percocet. My best friend broke up with his women in college and our friend (the idiot) who heads Girls Gone Wild gave him percocet. My friend didn't get out of bed for three days (not because of percocet but because he's a p*ssy) but he gave me half a percocet (the only drug I've ever taken) I thought I was in heaven.