Predictions regarding GB and the Brexit outcome


There are now several forecasts for what's going to happen to GB, now that the vote on Brexit passed, so I decided that JPP needed a thread where they could be stored for future reference.

This is the best one so far.

Everyone knew the markets would rebound after the vote, with the central banks ready to act fast and calm the markets. The posts stating this are there, I can get them if anyone wants to deny it.

I feel the people here are staggeringly stupid. This is about the long term economic look for the UK itself.

First of all article 50 has not been invoked yet.

Here is the forecast from The Economist, the well known lefty rag:

This hit brings UK's post-crisis recovery to a halt. 2018 real GDP will be almost 4% below pre-referendum forecast (2020 = 6% below)

This all equals a deep recession, higher taxes and sadly, further austerity. The people who voted to leave will be hurt the worst.

None of this will happen over night. And no one really knows what else this will lead to. With the country split, political turmoil is nearly certain. No one can really predict the long term ramifications.

Is there anyway this could be made into a sticky, for easy access?

Another one.

...Short term it may look bad for all of us - long term? Everyone else stabilizes (presuming no further EU defections), and the UK is fucked. Assuming the UK holds, it may split up. Either way, England is fucked, and oh God those poor bastards in Wales, who voted believing the Leavers bs that the UK would replace the EU money subsidizing Wales. They will never see a pound...

I think the likely outcome, economically speaking only, will be that Europe will rebound, the US will rebound. The UK, who knows if they will hold, or split, and we will have an "Little England" it's early, we will have to see. However, their GDP will fall, and the new right wing Tory will institute public cuts and further austerity. They're on the way down. That is my opinion.
There are now several forecasts for what's going to happen to GB, now that the vote on Brexit passed, so I decided that JPP needed a thread where they could be stored for future reference.

This is the best one so far.

Is there anyway this could be made into a sticky, for easy access?


I agree, historical revisionism usually happens over decades but Darla has changed that into days!!