PREDICTIONS - What will be the first order of business/legislation produced by House

Truth Detector

Well-known member
What will be the first order of business/legislation produced by new Democratic majority in the House? Aside from choosing Pelosi to be the Speaker.
The Wall!

The Democrats are going to introduce border wall legislation? And you wonder why no one takes your boorish stupidity seriously?

True, very true. And don't forget Schiff, that guy is on rails too.

Schiff is definately number TWO moron behind Waters. All the fucking loons come from my state. I am moving on retirement. I can't take this God forsaken BLUE shit hole much longer.
I'm thinking Florida. Maybe Mississippi.

Florida is at the top of my list. Lived there a year and got dive certified.....loved it. No State Taxes, cheaper cost of living. On my money, I can pay cash for a house and live on easy street till my last breath. ;)
What will be the first order of business/legislation produced by new Democratic majority in the House? Aside from choosing Pelosi to be the Speaker.

Proposing something on infrastructure to send to the Senate, where it will be ignored via Trump's orders. She also said today that campaign finance was a focus for her, but that has less chance than infrastructure.

Pelosi knows what she is doing, and once she gets things organized she will make sure she sends as much as she can to the Senate to undercut Trumps claiming they are obstructing and not willing to cooperate

The investigations you and Trump are worried about won't begin for several months after they take control