PREDICTIONS - What will be the first order of business/legislation produced by House

How will she get that past the Senate and Trump? :)

She won't get anything past the Senate let along Trump, did you think Trump would even let the House Democrats even come close to achieving anything? He don't care about working together, bipartisanship, today starts his campaign for 2020, and cooperation to achieve something for the nation isn't in his playbook
Proposing something on infrastructure to send to the Senate, where it will be ignored via Trump's orders. She also said today that campaign finance was a focus for her, but that has less chance than infrastructure.

Wait a minute; you mean the massive trillion dollar porkulus bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) Obama signed into law passed by Democrats didn't do what Obama said it would do? Fix our infrastructure? Another Obama lie?

Pelosi knows what she is doing,


and once she gets things organized she will make sure she sends as much as she can to the Senate to undercut Trumps claiming they are obstructing and not willing to cooperate

My guess is that she will serve another SHORT four years and Dems will lose the house again.

The investigations you and Trump are worried about won't begin for several months after they take control

Yep; just what Americans wanted; more frivolous investigations over imaginary election law violations. :laugh:
She won't get anything past the Senate let along Trump, did you think Trump would even let the House Democrats even come close to achieving anything? He don't care about working together, bipartisanship, today starts his campaign for 2020, and cooperation to achieve something for the nation isn't in his playbook

So now you are NOT for Obstructionism? You really are too stupid to comprehend your own hypocrisy aren't you snowflake? :laugh:
Waters mentioned investigating Wilbur Ross and few other Trump thieves. Trumps admin could keep them busy for the next 2 years.
Wait a minute; you mean the massive trillion dollar porkulus bill (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) Obama signed into law passed by Democrats didn't do what Obama said it would do? Fix our infrastructure? Another Obama lie?

My guess is that she will serve another SHORT four years and Dems will lose the house again.

Yep; just what Americans wanted; more frivolous investigations over imaginary election law violations.

Amazing how little conservatives understand, the ARAA was designed to put money into circulation, it was one of the key components that prevented the country from sliding into a depression. Majority of the funds went directly to the States, which most of them used to stay above water, you din't really think guys like Scott and Walker kept their States above water on their own did you?

The infrastructure is a major problem in this nation, not to address it just sets us back further compared to the progress other nations are making, China is even constructing transportation means all the way to middle Asia, and we can't even upgrade our railroads

Your guess is just that, and we all know most of them are based upon radio rhetoric

Lastly, the investigations, actually the oversight noticeably missing for the last two years, won't be over election law violations, Trump could only hope they were, but rather financial, emolument law, which will open up a whole can of worms.
Amazing how little conservatives understand, the ARAA was designed to put money into circulation, it was one of the key components that prevented the country from sliding into a depression.

More amazing how uneducated mindless twats like you don't realize that the Government cannot put money into circulation without first extracting it from the people who EARN it or printing it. NEITHER f which prevent slides into depression which, in itself, is a fabrication.

How wonderful if preventing slides into recession were that easy. But it doesn't work for anyone who has tried it you illiterate little dullard.

So I ask again; the massive spending for infrastructure did nothing and so now here you morons are once again, like Obamacare, admitting it didn't work and now demanding more from the taxpayer. You really are a mindless shill for leftist failure.

Majority of the funds went directly to the States, which most of them used to stay above water, you din't really think guys like Scott and Walker kept their States above water on their own did you?

I am quite sure Obama said it was for infrastructure; was he lying again? Would you like to see his quotes?

The infrastructure is a major problem in this nation, not to address it just sets us back further compared to the progress other nations are making, China is even constructing transportation means all the way to middle Asia, and we can't even upgrade our railroads

So Obama lied and a trillion was not enough? S T F U you dunce.

Your guess is just that, and we all know most of them are based upon radio rhetoric

My guess is educated based on her last stint you brain dead twat.

Lastly, the investigations, actually the oversight noticeably missing for the last two years, won't be over election law violations, Trump could only hope they were, but rather financial, emolument law, which will open up a whole can of worms.

So now you are all FOR investigations but weren't for them during Obama's Presidency. What a dishonest low IQ twat you are.
I asked how do you think it will play with the VOTING public?

And I answered. Both sides will be faux outraged as their masters groom them to be each round. The world is better off I am not POTUS. I would see the government shutdowns as desirable. I would close the muthafracking White House up and go home. The DC code enforcers would be nailing plywood over the window to the Lincoln bedroom.
The house will find criminal behavior by Trumpies and the real question is whether the Senators and other Repubs put the country above Daffy.