Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.

So this is how you deal with being wrong?

Very poor character
You people are desperate in every way. Grasping at straws for anything to make you feel valid.

Well you're not. You're a sorry ass loser. An ignorant fuck to boot.
So where’s this video

Or was this a right wing planted scam to try and change the subject and have Trump be in the spotlight again?
I already told your dumb ass there isn't a video. It's a dem operative telling lies on X before he sucks George Conway off.
If I was a crybaby bitch karen I would report you for calling me a pedophile but it reflects on you not me. And I could give a shit.

People like naked hunter's cock and uncle cunt live to push the report button. Good thing these pukes are on your team so no worries.

Now please shut the fuck up! Adults are still talking.
If I was a crybaby bitch karen I would report you for calling me a pedophile but it reflects on you not me. And I could give a shit.

People like naked hunter's cock and uncle cunt live to push the report button. Good thing these pukes are on your team so no worries.

Now please shut the fuck up! Adults are still talking.
your so called neighborhood watch group wants to keep an eye on you Thanks for letting us know you FUCKING PERVERT .

Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.​

Lots of rumor and innuendo as to what is actually on the video, but multiple journalists are confirming that they have been approached to release said video.

If random Twitter guy says it, it must be true.

Prepare yourselves, it appears a damning video of Trump groping a teen at a dinner with donors is on video and will be released soon.​

Lots of rumor and innuendo as to what is actually on the video, but multiple journalists are confirming that they have been approached to release said video.

I love videos of Trump groping and raping women. Not as much as MAGAts love it, but it's always good to see evidence of Pedo Don's crimes.

We all know that trump likes them tall. he does not care how young they are, or whether they consent, all that is important is that they are tall.