Preppers and Nutters, the party is over.

Would you leave the keys on a table where a mentally ill person could get them or keep them in your pocket?

You never know what's going to happen, so why should they keep a car; especially since the mentally ill person might gain access to it and use it to kill people?
There's no BS. As a gun owner it was her responsibility to secure her fire arms and she didn't do that knowing there was a mentally ill person living in her home. No "IF's". No "But's". No mystery here.

Once again you have nothing but your unsuported ASSumptions; but you go ahead and keep dragging the bodies of 20 dead children through the streets, in an attempt to promote your aenda.
He was home schooled. They kicked him of public school because of his anti-social behavior.

Again, he was 20 years old, and presumably had finished high school. He did attend high school, or else they couldn't have interviewed one of his teachers. Now, his teacher says he was a nerdy kid who wasn't the "bully" type, but more the type who might be bullied. He didn't indicate Adam was "anti-social" he just said it seemed he was a little withdrawn or reclusive.

But "anti-social" is not "mentally ill" and doesn't mean he was being treated for mental disorders. Your argument, again, was that we should not allow weapons in homes where there is a mentally ill person, and I agree... but there is no evidence Adam Lanza had been diagnosed as mentally ill or was being treated for mental illness. So your argument has a problem, and now you run to "well he was anti-social!" Okay, so you want to ban guns in the homes of anyone who is anti-social? Well, how about banning guns in the homes of anyone who's parents are divorced? How about just anyone who is a little odd or strange? And who gets to make this determination? OH WAIT.... let me guess-- Government?

Let's be clear, we OBVIOUSLY know now, that Adam Lanza was a very disturbed young man, that's not hard to figure out. I see nothing about him that would have indicated he was going to do something like this. Millions of kids fit his profile, millions of them can get access to firearms. In order for your "no guns in the house with the mentally disturbed" idea to work, we first have to put in place a reasonable way for their parents and family to have them deemed mentally disturbed. Currently, we have just the opposite, we have a system where it's virtually impossible to have someone committed for evaluation. The stories out of CT are that his mother was actively pursuing these avenues, and was planning to have him committed, and that's why he snapped. I can't help but think, if it were as easy as it once was, maybe Adam would have been in an institution already?
You never know what's going to happen, so why should they keep a car; especially since the mentally ill person might gain access to it and use it to kill people?

It's never happened in over 100 years of automobiles. I know it's Christmas but let's try to be realistic here.
Conclusions without supporting evidence are nothing more then ASSumptions; but you go right ahead and continue to drag the bodies of 20 dead children through the streets, just to promote your agenda.

You're talking about assumptions when mentioning the mentally ill will steal automobiles???
You're talking about assumptions when mentioning the mentally ill will steal automobiles???

You're talking about assumptions that Adam Lanza was mentally ill! For the millionth time, he had not been treated or diagnosed as mentally ill. Obviously he must have been, but there has to be an official determination made by licensed medical professionals, not internet trolls, after the fact.
The Black Death lasted years. What quantity of supplies can people hoard? Do you have any idea the quantity of supplies needed for, say, a family of four? And if something did happen that required people to live in a shelter for, say, six months what happens after that?

The point being if an event occurs that requires people to live in a shelter for six months there will be nothing available at the end of six months. For example, with a catastrophe like Katrina or Long Island the people can have supplies but they only require them for a short period because there are supplies elsewhere. If it comes to the point where people have to live in a shelter for six months there won't be supplies elsewhere. They will have to grow food after the six months. That takes time. In other words it's not a matter of waiting out the six months and then everything returns to normal. They will need supplies to restart society. Seeds. Building tools. Farming equipment. Who the hell would want to be alive in a world like that? Endless misery.

Not for me. If a catastrophe of that magnitude struck I'd want to be the first to go. It's all about the quality of life.

Kill yourself now then.
Are you sure that no one with mental illness has never killed anyone with a car?

A car has a primary use.

without them society would be very screwed up until we could find an alternative.

The guns that we want not sold or made anymore have replacements in your life and HAVE NO Primary use that outwieghs the bad they create in our society.
Shouldn't you be wishing him "Happy Holidays?" I didn't think you believed in honoring Christ?

Christmas doesn't honor Christ. Its celebrants honor, worship and genuflect before capitalism while exploiting the shit out of Christ to veil what it really honors.

But hey, it's a day off and everyone gets some loot and spirits are high so Merry Christmas!

Christmas doesn't honor Christ. Its celebrants honor, worship and genuflect before capitalism while exploiting the shit out of Christ to veil what it really honors.

But hey, it's a day off and everyone gets some loot and spirits are high so Merry Christmas!


Doesn't matter, they are all dead now. Besides, they couldn't foresee a time like today, when the world would be full of idiots and morons like we find here at JPP. I'm positive, if they had known, my idea is exactly what they would have written into the constitution!

Actually they could foresee a time like this. Maybe not technologically, but politically. Nothing has really changed from back then. The battle has always been the same since the dawn of man. A few know it alls who think they know best want to rule over everyone else.

Recall that everything liberals so is under the guide that is is for your own good. Because Lordy knows none of us could figger out what is in our best interests without ivory towered academics to guide us
A car has a primary use.

without them society would be very screwed up until we could find an alternative.

The guns that we want not sold or made anymore have replacements in your life and HAVE NO Primary use that outwieghs the bad they create in our society.

It isn't your decision. Go find a hobby. Get laid. Do something but mind your own fucking business.

While I can complete understand the desire, nobody wants to shoot you

Stop living in fear