on indefiniate mod break
Hello everybody, for those that may have paid attention to my murmurs in the past, I have been quiet bored as of late, and decided to make a little game.

The game in question is a death pool, in which you pick 12 people to die in the coming year, and if you end up among the best, you win cash - all courtesy of me. I'm just giving my money away. Pretty awesome huh?

GRIND giving money away? You don't see this very often do you?

There are many of these sites already on the internet and I have recently joined the ranks.

I would like to invite you all to play along and sign up. You guys are the first I have told about this, and it just launched like a day or two ago so there is no one over there yet.

Also the site is still in qusi-beta because my code was sloppy and I'm sure I screwed something up somewhere.

I'm hoping to get at the very least 50 people to play in the coming year, so it should be a fun little thing to do in our spare time.

Go go go go go go go...

Thanks peeps.

Quick few things:

I will put a privacy policy up in a bit. I ask for your address, but it stays in my database in a table that I don't check. I need addresses so I can send out the prizes. If you are uncomfortable with trusting solely me.. *shrug* I can't help ya.

Also: Upon signing up, yahoo seems to take a while in getting the automatic email that is sent out.

For watermark, he signed up using gmail and it sent it to his spam folder. So you may want to check that. It's not spam, just confirms your username and password. Watermark must have strict settings though cause that hasn't happened to me.

If you can't think of 12 choices to submit off the bat, you can just put in dummy choices and edit them at a later date.

This site is just something i did in my spare time it's not meant to be the most awesome thing ever.

That's all i got for now.
I need more people. I know some of you are good enough for signing up for 3 seconds and submitting a list then sitting on your ass for a year to win free money.
Ok first, 4 days is not 3 weeks. Second why do you always have to be mr. bringdown?

Btw go signup beefy. We need your intellect over there.
What a fucking waste of a sticky. This thread fails even more, and it was already a miserable failure. Grind, you should seriously contemplate suicide now.
Ok first, 4 days is not 3 weeks. Second why do you always have to be mr. bringdown?

Btw go signup beefy. We need your intellect over there.

Mr. bringdown? Why I've never....

Maybe I'll sign up later.
That site sucks. I can't even log into the forum to whine, so I have to do it here. Do I have to register again to post in the forum?
That site sucks. I can't even log into the forum to whine, so I have to do it here. Do I have to register again to post in the forum?
What? I'm confusticated. I haven't changed your login, so long as you are logged in you should be fine.
That site sucks. I can't even log into the forum to whine, so I have to do it here. Do I have to register again to post in the forum?

Yes. The forum and the main site use a different database. I could super leet dive into the code and and sync it up with the main database but doing that to hear you whine isn't worth the effort imo O_O

The forum there is more of an afterthought, i have no intention of having a community. It basically just exists in case we have some weird occurance in the game and I have to let people know.