Presenting - The Best Friends Alliance


on indefiniate mod break

The Best Friends Alliance

Our mission goal is to dedicate ourselves to friendly business.
Our Arch enemy are the proles.

Proles are:

1.) Religious people
2.) Those that do not respect the science-ly goodness.
3.) The ignorant, stupid masses.

Most of you are proles.

Members of BFA are as follows:

  • Grind
  • Watermark
  • Ib1yysguy
This is due to our frequent aim rendezvous's. You don't talk on aim so you can't be a super best friend.

We will shortly determine our acquaintances by unanimous secret vote. Acquaintances have the privilege of carrying such a name, and not being a prole.

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threedee, your sucking up ability is commendable. i would vote you acquittance but i fear you would not pass the unanimous muster
You should use a fluffy bunny as your group avatar, because fluffy bunnies show off the science-ly goodness.
God, the ignorant bliss of a young man in his 20's.

Congratulations on having only piddly nonsense to worry about.
ok mr. im living it up on Hawaii with a bunch of hot chicks smoking cigars and going to the beach all the time
Just cause Grind has an aversion to chicks doesn't mean he's gay.
southerncoward is gayer than balls on Ryan Seacrest's chin.