President Harris's Running Mate

I'd like to see Ms. Harris groom AOC as the imminent permanent Empress.
Democracy is deader than disco. That' obvious.
If we're going to have autocracy, let it be progressive autocracy, not rule by pigfucking orangutan.
You anti American leftists are already led by a progressive autocracy. But that's going to change come January
of 2025 when the great pro American Donald J. Trump once again takes the reigns away from you anti American
lefties that have been screwing our nation in every way possible.
You anti American leftists are already led by a progressive autocracy. But that's going to change come January
of 2025 when the great pro American Donald J. Trump once again takes the reigns away from you anti American
lefties that have been screwing our nation in every way possible.
What you say is possible, in which case I'd rather see a huge asteroid strike turn this planet to dust.
I've been advocating partition.
Another Trump Presidency might be just the thing to do it if we're not lucky enough to get the asteroid.
He and his followers like yourself are the lowest form of life this planet has ever seen.

At least your vote isn't going to count for shit here in Massachusetts.
You may as well stay home.
She wouldn't want anyone smarter or more competent than herself showing her up so she should choose this MINO:

I'm not taking this too hard, for I put a LOL in my statement. I'm getting a kick out of watching and listening to those
on the left having a total meltdown on what next move to make in getting their party any kind of a positive outlook
after watching their leader go down in flames. Instead of using a LOL, I'll simply say about your party is HEE HEE HAH HAH!
Really. Calm down. Enjoy the sunset...or the clouds...or the flowers.

Don't be so upset.

You were sure you were going to win with Joe Biden as the Democratic Party candidate...and you are now saying that things have improved since Joe dropped out and someone else it going to replace him.

You should be joyful. You should be laughing at the discussion here as fully as I am. And I am almost literally rolling on the floor in laughter.

Be cool.
What you say is possible, in which case I'd rather see a huge asteroid strike turn this planet to dust.
I've been advocating partition.
Another Trump Presidency might be just the thing to do it if we're not lucky enough to get the asteroid.
He and his followers like yourself are the lowest form of life this planet has ever seen.

At least your vote isn't going to count for shit here in Massachusetts.
You may as well stay home.
I think partitioning should happen no matter who wins in November.

Working left with right or right with left...just does not work. I would rather see the East become a separate country...with the West doing the same thing. Hard conservatives should move to conservative areas...and hard right wingers to more progressive areas. The right will have most of the bread basket states...and oil producing states. They also will have the most welfare dependent states...the leeches of the nation's economy.

Could work out.
I'd love to see Pete Buttigieg, but I think that is a long shot. I would not mind seeing another woman, Gretchen Whitmer.

The Democrats have a very deep bench.
If she doesn't pick a transgender I will have lost all faith in the democratic party and what they stand for.
I think partitioning should happen no matter who wins in November.

Working left with right or right with left...just does not work. I would rather see the East become a separate country...with the West doing the same thing. Hard conservatives should move to conservative areas...and hard right wingers to more progressive areas. The right will have most of the bread basket states...and oil producing states. They also will have the most welfare dependent states...the leeches of the nation's economy.

Could work out.
There are millions of people in this country that aren't political ideologues and for whom politics don't dominate their lives. How do you account for them?

And living in a City/Area/State where Republicans have no power, it simply forces Democrats to fight among themselves. And the progressive Democrats start labeling the more moderate Democrats as right-wingers and accuse them of using right-wing tactics (like when crime becomes an issue etc.)

To me, this idea that if we totally separated somehow our problems would mostly disappear and everyone would be so much happier is an illusion.
What you say is possible, in which case I'd rather see a huge asteroid strike turn this planet to dust.
I've been advocating partition.
Another Trump Presidency might be just the thing to do it if we're not lucky enough to get the asteroid.
He and his followers like yourself are the lowest form of life this planet has ever seen.

At least your vote isn't going to count for shit here in Massachusetts.
You may as well stay home.
I don't bother to vote here in democrat led TAXachusetts for those in charge are Marxists, communists, progressives,
illegal loving nitwits that allow the illegals to enjoy the comforts of life at the taxpayers expense.
so Harris was too dumb to see the president was incapacitated, but smart enough to take over?

He is not incapacitated. He has been doing the job of president for almost 4 years. He is still doing the job. Trump was never doing it. He is a clown , a felon a habitual liar. Pence was quiet while Trump grifted and buffooned his way through a 4year disaster.
He is not incapacitated. He has been doing the job of president for almost 4 years. He is still doing the job. Trump was never doing it. He is a clown , a felon a habitual liar. Pence was quiet while Trump grifted and buffooned his way through a 4year disaster.
naaah. we all know the truth. sorry gas lighting shit stain. the only way it is reasonable to alienate millions of voters is because he is a potato head
Mayor Pete would be good but as I said I don't think the people of the USA are ready for an openly gay VP or President.
I personally like Senator LT. COL, Duckworth.
she is from the mid west ILL. and being a war vet and all I think she would negate any advantage the Republicans thought they got with Vance.
and she has a very good voting record in the House and in the Senate.
Have a nice day
I like her too. Plus she has two children via IVF so she sticks up for reproductive rights and freedoms. And her seat is a safe one to replace with another Democrat.
You know you are utterly incapable of making that assessment. That in capital letters and fake happiness you make it anyway is one more minuscule sign of the grief in Trumpland this morning over the loss of the Democrat they most wanted to face.
I can't see Truth Defecator's spam but I do like your reply to it.
It won't be a female.

It won't be someone who is gay. Too much "first time diversity" on one ticket.

It will be someone white.

No chance Newsom plays second fiddle to the likes of Harris.

Either Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelly... people love astronauts.
I love Kelly; he would be great. But would removing him from AZ cause the (D)s to possibly lose a seat in the Senate?
I'm not taking this too hard, for I put a LOL in my statement. I'm getting a kick out of watching and listening to those
on the left having a total meltdown on what next move to make in getting their party any kind of a positive outlook
after watching their leader go down in flames. Instead of using a LOL, I'll simply say about your party is HEE HEE HAH HAH!
Quite the "meltdown" there. This was posted just seven hours after Biden's announcement yesterday. We're newly energized and we're coming for your corrupt and fumbling malignant painted old felon. :laugh:
