I think you're safe.
Even the dogs don't go for her pussy. She tried a bone around her neck and it still didn't work.
I think you're safe.
you mean you like that he grabs Pussy
do you like it when your mom gets grabbed by old fat blubbering idiots
we are still on Obama policy idiot
your shit has done virtually nothing but get really low approval ratings
Obama left at 53% approval
what is trumpy at now
No were not you stupid cut
what economic changes has trumpy made dumbshit
Stock market from crash 7000 to 18,000
Real estate from crash to to pre crash values adding trillions to America wealth
Unemployment from 8 to 4
Save the US auto industry
Saved the global economy
Ended Iraq war
Killed OBL
Not a hint of scandal in two landslide winning election
Exhibited class, elan and statesmanship at all times
comfortable in his own skin
Beloved all over the globe with rock star stature
Scoffed off the Trumptard Birther racist attacks with humor and statesmanship
Educated, intelligent and eloquent
Poor Trumptards. Look how far we have fallen in only six months. Racists.
I am not sure how one lives with the shame of knowing they wasted their precious right to vote on people like George Dumbya Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, and President Pussy Grabber.
He is still a dumb sambo with monkey daughters
You wasted your voted on yet another unqualified black in a government job then lied when you claim how well he did. Guess you have to keep hope alive for the next unqualified one that will come along.
Why don't you idiots try Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton again.
yeah racism
that will save the republican party huh
um you fukdips tried that for like the last 50 years and all its gotten you is a need to cheat more and more each election
but they all get in sulted whem you point out they are racists.
even racists hate racists
What are you inhaling, queerbait? Hussein's always looked awesome to the degenerates.Stock market from crash 7000 to 18,000
Real estate from crash to to pre crash values adding trillions to America wealth
Unemployment from 8 to 4
Save the US auto industry
Saved the global economy
Ended Iraq war
Killed OBL
Not a hint of scandal in two landslide winning election
Exhibited class, elan and statesmanship at all times
comfortable in his own skin
Beloved all over the globe with rock star stature
Scoffed off the Trumptard Birther racist attacks with humor and statesmanship
Educated, intelligent and eloquent
Poor Trumptards. Look how far we have fallen in only six months. Racists.
Stock market from crash 7000 to 18,000
Real estate from crash to to pre crash values adding trillions to America wealth
Unemployment from 8 to 4
Save the US auto industry
Saved the global economy
Ended Iraq war
Killed OBL
Not a hint of scandal in two landslide winning election
Exhibited class, elan and statesmanship at all times
comfortable in his own skin
Beloved all over the globe with rock star stature
Scoffed off the Trumptard Birther racist attacks with humor and statesmanship
Educated, intelligent and eloquent
Poor Trumptards. Look how far we have fallen in only six months. Racists.
Yes, Trump has made Bush look like a brain trust, who would have believed it!He made George Bush look like a brain trust and savior. He was THAT bad.
Huh? I suggest with posts like this that you refrain from calling others stupid.Hahahaha
No were not you stupid cut