President Trump has ordered federal prisons to transfer male inmates who identify as women into men's facilities

Wrong again, America has been going in the shitter and is now being fixed because the common sense majority elected Trump and he's kicking ass and fixing it. I'm amazed at how much he has already achieved in 5 days to that end.
What? :rofl2:

I'll forgive you for having a selective memory during Trump's 1st term.
What? :rofl2:

I'll forgive you for having a selective memory during Trump's 1st term.
You're right, he kicked ass in the first term as well. It's just unfortunate that Libtards cheated their way into the White House in 2020 and for four years have been attacking every aspect of what makes this Country great. I appreciate that you corrected me. The one upside is that those with common sense are all about dismantling everything Libtards have done for the last 80 years. Snap out of it
You think those inmates will be butthurt about this? :awesome:
LOL Like the 1/6 terrorists were butthurt?

The recidivism rate for violent criminals is over 60% within 8 years. I suspect most of those dumbasses will be back in less time. Sure, Trump keep pardoning them for attacking or murdering Americans, but eventually they will meet a bad end....and I'm not talking about prison rape or buttfucking. :awesome:
Methinks you're coming awfully close to pulling that pin from your avatar. :whoa:
The upcoming eight years may be the best time to follow political forums. The lefties are in complete meltdown over Trump moving so fast and everywhere here, it's,

I'm saving it for a special occasion, Hater. What does my avatar have to do with your expertise on prison rape?
It's not me claiming to be an expert on prison rape. No, it's this proudleftycommie that's suggesting
that trannies won't be raped in a men's prison. I'm simply asking him/her how they would know that
a tranny wouldn't get raped in a mens' prison. So, are you saving that handy grade for the time when
you realize that your democrat/socialist/commie ideology has come to a complete halt, which is very
near indeed, and then at that time you'll actually pull the pin?
It's not me claiming to be an expert on prison rape. No, it's this proudleftycommie that's suggesting
that trannies won't be raped in a men's prison. I'm simply asking him/her how they would know that
a tranny wouldn't get raped in a mens' prison. So, are you saving that handy grade for the time when
you realize that your democrat/socialist/commie ideology has come to a complete halt, which is very
near indeed, and then at that time you'll actually pull the pin?
Yet you seem to know a lot about it, especially raping trannies such as your knowledge that these transwomen will become rape victims in an all-male prison.

I know you're the "dumb one" in the family, Hater, so I'm happy to be patient with you: I'm neither a democrat, socialist nor commie. I'm also not a Nazi, a fascist or supporter of any other form of authoritarian government. I've sworn to support and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and would happily shoot dead anyone seeking to overthrow our Republic no matter what they claim to be.

Defending our Republic can be done in many ways such as slowing down or losing paperwork, having the limo break down "again", letting trash build up, looking the other way for more active members, etc. The latter of which includes taking out such people in less conventional ways such as poisoning, electrocution, slitting their throats, pushing off a building or onto the subway tracks, in front of a bus, etc. Whatever it takes to defend our freedom for all Americans and our Constitution against those seek to take it.

What's happening will end in two ways: one good, one bad. Bad meaning we lose our Republic and our Constitution out of stupidity, laziness and/or fear for one's own skin regardless of the harm it eventually causes those around us. Good is the life we've come to enjoy, warts and all.