President Trump is a felon: Fox News legal analyst

Actually he could have won that case by simply presenting a single student to claim they found value in the classes, there were actually several. He settled out of court because his Presidential duties needed to take precedence and it was cheaper than the attorney cost to have it go forward.

What presdintal duties? Talking to hannity?
The "Judge" has provided critical legal analysis of Trump for months now, I think its part of a slow turn, but who knows, maybe its because anger sells, and this makes their viewers angry.

The "Judge" Napolitano, also had Hillary Clinton locked up several times and was left wanting. The Judge simply presents opinions without complete knowledge of the case in issue. As far as I know he's never said Trump was "guilty" of anything. He's simply said he could be prosecuted at some point for a campaign finance violation and Mueller may have more than we know about collusion with the Russians if he can corroborate anything the liar Cohen has told him.
The "Judge" Napolitano, also had Hillary Clinton locked up several times and was left wanting. The Judge simply presents opinions without complete knowledge of the case in issue. As far as I know he's never said Trump was "guilty" of anything. He's simply said he could be prosecuted at some point for a campaign finance violation and Mueller may have more than we know about collusion with the Russians if he can corroborate anything the liar Cohen has told him.

The "Judge" did not have Hillary Clinton locked up even once. Do you have a cite for your claim? I did not think so.
Trump is being told on by Cohen, AMI and Weissellberg. Justice has the proof from those directly involved. Trump is a felon.