President Trump Releases Statement BLASTING Mitch McConnell as a hack

O.G. Trump Throws Down on ‘Dour Hack’, China-Linked Mitch McConnell.

February 16, 2021


Trump blasted McConnell for his familial ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and asserted that his biggest regret was bailing McConnell out when he was 20 points down in his Kentucky primary.

He also pledged to campaign for MAGA candidates against the Republican establishment.

The former president is increasing in popularity against the Republican Party base, while Capitol Hill establishment types continue to attempt to distance themselves from the America First movement.

There's nothing more than I would like to see than the Scum-lican rip each other and itself apart, thank you Crazy Trump.
NOTICE ERRATA "President Trump" is

Ex President 45*, twice Impeached, won with minority popular vote, one term, blown out in electoral "landslide", destroyed his down ballot,
lost the Senate, about to be indicted.

We at JPP apologize for the error.
:rofl2: Not only controlling now, we’re poised to control for a very long time, and we’re enjoying watching you knuckleheads tearing the Republican Party apart. :corn:

Can’t wait for the courts to get hold of trump’s lying ass.

Wait until your side tries controlling the American people, I doubt it's going to be as "enjoyable" as you think.
Just as it has over the years.

The GOP was declared dead in 2008.

Two years later was the historic Shellacking and over the next six years more state legislature seats were lost to republicans under Obama than any other democrat in the modern era. Republicans are still benefiting from Obama.

One would think this would temper their ‘prognostications’ but it won’t lol.
Trump has so many problems with his businesses, yet here he is, still fighting for us, still fighting for America.

It's God Damn Inspirational!

Dotard wouldn't piss on you, if you were on fire, teabaggers think Dotard is inspirational, fighting for America?

Loony tune, Q NUT fucking traitors, just like your fat, orange, cult leader.
You didn't miss the townhall, did you? If so, go online....I think you're in the group who isn't internet challenged....

It was must watch tv. it was a parable, a drama and a train wreck wrapped up in a comedy. from the mumbling and rambling, to getting lost on stage, the softball questions and the don lemon rapist's crew swooning over it like it was a rock concert, it was pure pagentry and a tragic comedy at the same time.
So where are you going to get more uneducated white christians? that demographic is literally dying off, pendulum swing? :laugh:

Educate yourself on some the gains made in the Hispanic community by Trump between 2016-2020.

In the meantime go ahead and keep putting your eggs in the inherently racist demographic basket.