Presidential Nosh Jobs and Pissed Up Prime Ministers

AnyOldIron II

New member
Was watching a program about Clinton doing that portly lady in the Oval office last night, and I thought to myself.... what was all the fuss about?

I'd want my leader to be a man/woman of the world. After all, Churchill was a chronic alcoholic, Kennedy was a lady's man and they are arguably the best two leaders our countries have produced lately...

And then compare that to the now clean, sober and non-womanising George W Bush, probably the worst leader in the west in modern times.

So what does it matter if the leader likes a tipple, smokes a little doob or likes to pork ladies? Who doesn't? And it has no affect on their ability to lead...
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Was watching a program about Clinton doing that portly lady in the Oval office last night, and I thought to myself.... what was all the fuss about?

I'd want my leader to be a man/woman of the world. After all, Churchill was a chronic alcoholic, Kennedy was a lady's man and they are arguably the best two leaders our countries have produced lately...

And then compare that to the now clean, sober and non-womanising George W Bush, probably the worst leader in the west in modern times.

So what does it matter if the leader likes a tipple, smokes a little doob or likes to pork ladies? Who doesn't? And it has no affect on their ability to lead...

I'll tell you the problem homeboy. Bill Clinton was the leader of the free world. A) He married Hillary Rodham and as far as we know actually had sex with her to provide a child. B) He used his power to get with ladies like Paula Jones and many others that look no better than her and C) he put the free world at risk over Monica Lewinski who is no man's looker.

At least dude could have hit on some models not W.T.
I'd want my leader to be a man/woman of the world. After all, Churchill was a chronic alcoholic, Kennedy was a lady's man and they are arguably the best two leaders our countries have produced lately...

I never realised you were such a fan of Charles Kennedy.
I never realised you were such a fan of Charles Kennedy.

Another point in case. Not a great politician I admit, but certainly the best the Lib Dems have produced since Paddy, and he drinks like a fish...

It demonstrates my point that foibles have no affect on leadership...

Look at some of the greats...

Alexander of Macedon...buggery, and died through alcohol poisoning
Lucius Cornelius Sulla.... buggery and partied like it were 99BC
Queen Victoria...smack and coke fiend
Henry VIII....Lady's man, food obsessive, boozer
Was watching a program about Clinton doing that portly lady in the Oval office last night, and I thought to myself.... what was all the fuss about?

I'd want my leader to be a man/woman of the world. After all, Churchill was a chronic alcoholic, Kennedy was a lady's man and they are arguably the best two leaders our countries have produced lately...

And then compare that to the now clean, sober and non-womanising George W Bush, probably the worst leader in the west in modern times.

So what does it matter if the leader likes a tipple, smokes a little doob or likes to pork ladies? Who doesn't? And it has no affect on their ability to lead...

Well, actually, "porking the ladies" is not one of my pastimes, but, otherwise I agree. EJ Dionne wrote a great column in today's WAPO about just this, and I wish we could go back to a time when sex lives were off-limits, mostly.

But the problem in this country is we have the religious right, and we have the Republicans catering to them. So they impeached Clinton for a BJ and cried for years "what do we tell the children". Then we come to find out, that some of them are "porking" children. So you know, liberals, democrats, people who really resent the way they have been portrayed as having "no morals", are looking for payback. And, the sexual foibles of so many hypocritical republicans, provide plenty of it.

In the meantime, the band plays on, and wars continue and people have no health care. It's really a sad state of affairs.
I'll tell you the problem homeboy. Bill Clinton was the leader of the free world. A) He married Hillary Rodham and as far as we know actually had sex with her to provide a child. B) He used his power to get with ladies like Paula Jones and many others that look no better than her and C) he put the free world at risk over Monica Lewinski who is no man's looker.

At least dude could have hit on some models not W.T.

He put the free world at risk?
Cunt is a more serious swear word in America than in Britian, Any.

Its probably the strongest in the UK mate... But it is very useful, if someone is being an idiot, telling them to stop being a cunt is pretty forceful... Or someone could be 'making a cunt of themselves'...
Cunt is a more serious swear word in America than in Britian, Any.

Its probably the strongest in the UK mate... But it is very useful, if someone is being an idiot, telling them to stop being a cunt is pretty forceful... Or someone could be 'making a cunt of themselves'...
If you say that to a woman here, there is a high chance that after she shoots you, she will not serve more than a 2 hour stint in the holding cell before they let her go.
If you say that to a woman here, there is a high chance that after she shoots you, she will not serve more than a 2 hour stint in the holding cell before they let her go.

Yeah, I don't think it has the feminine connotation in the UK that it does here. I mean, I think they call men that there a lot. It's a little different.

I know. I didn't say anything about it, because he made it very early in the am, and that usually means he's not thinking that...clearly.
It was charver, he is in the UK, they are 7 hours ahead of us. Crap, no it was cawacko... Dork.
Yeah, I don't think it has the feminine connotation in the UK that it does here. I mean, I think they call men that there a lot. It's a little different.

No, it means pussy, fanny, snatch, gash, hairy axe wound; just the same over here.

You guys call men a pussy don't you?

It is used in the vernacular to mean someone being an awkward idiot, ie 'He's being a cunt'....

And women can shoot you for saying that word? Could I shoot a woman if she said prick? Please say yes....
Yeah, I don't think it has the feminine connotation in the UK that it does here. I mean, I think they call men that there a lot. It's a little different.

No, it means pussy, fanny, snatch, gash, hairy axe wound; just the same over here.

You guys call men a pussy don't you?

It is used in the vernacular to mean someone being an awkward idiot, ie 'He's being a cunt'....

And women can shoot you for saying that word? Could I shoot a woman if she said prick? Please say yes....
Let me make it as clear as possible. Using this term to describe a woman is, in the US, one of the absolute worst things to do. It is even more acceptable to use racist language than to use that word to describe a woman.
It can't be as bad as all that, i've seen it used on such family friendly American shows as the Soprano's and Curb Your Enthusiasm (the 'beloved cunt' episode was a particularly fine example)