I'm fairly certain Bernie has a much larger Independent backing than any candidate either party is offering, and that WILL matter in the general.
That may be wishful thinking. I mean, who knows? Maybe after 30 years of supply side economics in which virtually all of our nations productivity gains have gone into the pockets of the top 0.1% who have done very, very, very little to support their own nation a throw back to a social welfare state liberal is what this nation may need or want for a short period of time.
Then again maybe Trump is another Sulla. For those who are not history buffs. Sulla was an ancient Roman dictator of the late Republican era. He was the first Roman general to march his troops on Rome in response to a political attack. When Sulla attained absolute control of Rome's government as the Dictator he began proscribing wealthy merchants and bankers or the equestrian (Knight) order. Many were executed and their properties and wealth confiscated by the State.
Why did Sulla do this? Because Rome had been engaged in a series of civil wars while simultaneously being attacked by foreign enemies. Sulla was charged by the Roman Senate with fighting a foreign war against Mithridates the Great of Pontus. Mithridates had enormous wealth and a vast army of over a quarter of a million men. Sulla had an army composed of 4 legions (~ 25,000 men) and enough gold to sustain that army for a month. Not only did Sulla these horrendous disadvantages but while he was actively engaged with the enemy certain Romans continued the civil strife in Rome to where the Senate tried to undermine Sulla's (a legitimately elected pro-consul) command. Despite these disadvantages Sulla won and won decisively.
When Sulla returned to Rome with his victorious army he found Rome in ruins. His political opponents had stolen the funds in the treasury and used it for their own political purposes. So while Rome was at war at home and abroad it was being torn apart by factions who were financially and politically supported by the leading members of the Equestrian order. These wealthy bankers and merchants had essentially financed Romes civil unrest and financed the obstacles Sulla faced in combating Mithridates of Pontus while living in their plush villas distanced from the chaos, war and economic collapse and suffering of the people they had willingly financed.
When Sulla, an arch conservative, became dictator he called the leading members of the Equestrian order to account and many, if not most of them, paid with their lives and all their property which Sulla then used to restore order and economic prosperity to Rome. This caught the members of the Equestrian Order almost completely with their pants down. They figured that any such form of retribution would come from the populares factions and not from a leader as intensely conservative as Sulla was.
Anyway the relevance of this bit of ancient history to today is that maybe Trump is a modern day Sulla who would bring the corporate and wealthy elites to account for accumulating vast wealth while their nation flounders and doing nothing for their nation as it floundered and often was the agent of that floundering, as the Equestrian Order did in Rome during the social wars.