Prince vs Massachusetts

Parental authority is not absolute and can be permissibly restricted if doing so is in the interests of a child's welfare.

Very famous case, although most people think it's about a Massachusetts pasta maker.

Other than this, I can't read a single other post on this thread.

I know that it's a bitch move to quote yourself, but Prince did get the last laugh.

After Prince Macaroni made pasta in Massachusetts since 1912, they sold out to a Pennsylvania company in 1997.
Bummer. I wonder if the prick Arby was involved.
Oh just toss out the court system and have you explain it. The fact is what is constitutional is argued by educated jurists and some Trump appointees.

only a moron would believe that we the people, upon ratifying a document that created a limited government would then give over power to define those limits to the entity it moron.
How does that make sense.? We have the court system that tells us that with the final stop the Supremes The law is not exact and requires interpretation.

i say again, the framers did not create a government with limited powers only to hand over the power to define it's limits. thinking that the supremes are the final arbiter of the constitution is idiocy, at best.

the first three words of the preamble tell us who is the final arbiter of whats constitutional and whats not