Principal killed after lunging at shooter

you are missing what is actually being said. likely you've been influenced by bijou and howey's lies about what people are actually saying. what is being said is that teachers should be allowed to have a gun on campus, but not that they should. up to the teacher, school conditions (safey of gun placement etc.)

i know and stated the flack jacket was a logical fallacy. :)

So who's paying for the guns and week of training? Looooser!
Back in the day, kids used to bring their rifles to school. Not a lot of school shootings back in the day...

This is actually true, we used to duck hunt before school and kept our 12 gauge pumps in our lockers. A school shooter would have been dead before the police were called.
for the third time howey....i said they could pay for it themselves, you always assume the government

do not ask me this question again. seriously.

Didn't you think the airline pilots could just go out and buy a gun and tote it on the plane with no problem? I proved you wrong on that silo why do you think the teachers should be able to?

Funny. A week ago teachers were the scum of the earth to you and your fellow right wingers, union hacks not wor hy of response ct. Now you explain ct them to go all Rambo in the classroom?
quite possibly true. if she was armed, she would likely not have had to lunge unarmed to her death. she could have shot the psycho.
That's pretty fucked up thinking. It's a pretty fucked condemnation of our society when you have to arm an elementary school principle. What does that say about our society?
That's pretty fucked up thinking. It's a pretty fucked condemnation of our society when you have to arm an elementary school principle. What does that say about our society?

I was listening to the radio earlier and they said that one of teachers managed to save 16 of the children by hiding them in a cupboard. She told the guman that they were in the gym and she died for her trouble. Someone also turned on the school PA so that the shots could be heard and even more children were saved that way. If it wasn't for those measures the death toll would have been far higher.

Her name is Victoria Soto and yes, by any measure she's a hero.

Here's her photo. She was barely more than a child herself. It just breaks your heart.

there were hero there that day.

I have thought about this some and wish one of the teachers had thought to pick up a desk and rushed the guy.

When you are swinging a desk in front of you any bullet will most likely be deflected.

then you hit his fucking head with the desk.

I have no doubt in my mind my ass would have been jumping this guy.

Your surrounded by babies.

Its you or no one.

desk to the face.
But, wasn't the school a fun free zone? Didn't liberals give us gun free zones at schools? Are you saying the librul gun free zones are a failure?
there were hero there that day.

I have thought about this some and wish one of the teachers had thought to pick up a desk and rushed the guy.

When you are swinging a desk in front of you any bullet will most likely be deflected.

then you hit his fucking head with the desk.

I have no doubt in my mind my ass would have been jumping this guy.

Your surrounded by babies.

Its you or no one.

desk to the face.


this is the type of thinking that gets people killed. Yes, why didn't anyone think of the old "wield a desk defense". You could give classes on it and make a fortune.

Is this what passes for deep thinking in your drug addled mind?
there were hero there that day.

I have thought about this some and wish one of the teachers had thought to pick up a desk and rushed the guy.

When you are swinging a desk in front of you any bullet will most likely be deflected.

then you hit his fucking head with the desk.

I have no doubt in my mind my ass would have been jumping this guy.

Your surrounded by babies.

Its you or no one.

desk to the face.

Am I the only one shaking my head at how she envisions this senario playing out above?
Am I the only one shaking my head at how she envisions this senario playing out above?

No you are not. My guess is that even her libtardiot allies are shaking their heads in wonderment. I mean, who woulda thunk it? Desh has turned self defense theory on its head. People are running out now and buying desks to carry with them on the streets of New York. Criminals are quaking in fear at the prospect of a desk wielding Desh.

It would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad. And people wonder how this country has gotten into the shape it is in? It is by allowing dummies like Desh to have the right to vote