I've never heard a college grad talk this racist or bigoted
I know. This is the semi-veiled variety that people pretend doesn't exist.
I've never heard a college grad talk this racist or bigoted
I'm wondering why you inserted the word "straight" before "white males" in all your posts. That is never mentioned on the website and in fact, Yiannopolous is a gay man. Do you have a problem with gays or did you just think nobody would notice?
It's still a money-making business. Maybe statistics have shown that women are more likely than men to stick it out the entire four years, thus keeping that tuition rolling in.
I've never heard a college grad talk this racist or bigoted
I know. This is the semi-veiled variety that people pretend doesn't exist.
Why is it racist to want gender equality in college?
This is the racist site you were looking for grand wizard!
I'm not here to educate you
I'm here to laugh in your face
Budding racists can't possibly compete honestly in the arena of ideas, so it's only natural that older racists provide some sort of "scholarship" that might allow the newly indoctrinated "proto-racists" to go out into the hallowed halls of higher learning and attempt to influence other young, impressionable minds.
Did you go to college
Klan boy
Until you show proof you did, you didn't.
This is the racist site you were looking for grand wizard!
I'm not here to educate you
I'm here to laugh in your face
BTW, Maybe you should reserve one of your Klan Scholarships for yourself to improve your spelling. You misspelled privilage.
and you should be applauded for your hard work you anecdotal evidence aside I dont see why there should be no scholarships for white males as there is a severe imbalance between males and females in college. This grant is just doing its (small) part to put equality in our society.
More opportunities for education can only lead to good things
I get that most people believe in Bernie Sanders message that "white people dont know what it is like to be poor" but the reality is poverty knows no race and affects all segments of the population.
My whiter than your ass cheeks son has a scholarship for 100% tuition because he has a big brain. Sorry Whitey doesn't give a fuck about his retarded redheaded step children. Go live in a guano cave you stormfront reject.
And you're the Grand Wizard here. You hate white people.
;___; why are you so sexist we just want equality. Your child is smart great. But other children may not be as smart and need the advantage of a scholarship for their racial group. Blacks, mexicans, females, asians, and native americans all have scholarships exclusively for them ;___;
Vote Bernie retard.
i dont know why you hate equality so much ;___;