my parents stayed married

my dad was in the home

I never worried about missing a meal

I did take food and money to my family after I left the home

nearly every bro and sis I had lived with me free for some time

my parents did too for a time.

my dad was pretty non kid friendly even though he was a father of 8.

liked to scream at us when he got drunk

I was 6 out of 8
those were just SOME questions that effect our lives and where we start from.

think of some of the others that effect childrens lives.

were you molested

were you an only child

Did you wear used clothes

did your mother work

there are many more aspects to examine

the privledged often dont know they were born with great advantages.

My son often jokes about having won the America lotto on this

He is six foot

very healthy

good looking

very bright

and white

he makes no bones about it

he knows

and he feels no guilt

he does feel great compassion.

why idiots fear it will harm them to admitt these truths I will never understand.

sociopathy maybe
were you molested Yes, pastor of my church

were you an only child oldest child who started working at the age of 13, used my own money for my school clothes so my mother could pay the bills and keep us in a home.

Did you wear used clothes see above

did your mother work parents were divorced when i was 10, she worked 3 part time jobs for 90 hours a week

I also had a stepfather, but his own son (who came to live with us) was more important so I was left to figure things out on my own.

don't talk to me about white privilege because you come from a background that makes you feel guilty about your own privilege. I had nothing, worked for everything I do have, and did it on my own.
Why don't you pick the questions then............:awesome:

1. if you have at least three sibling with a different father step forward!
2. if your Mom cause we know mom left gets welfare step forward!
3. if your Mom buys crack with that money step forward!
4. If your mom whores for crack when the welfare check runs out step forward
5. if you steal consistently to support your own habit step forward, so!
6. if you think crackers owe you for slavery that they had nothing to do with, step forward!

Might look a little different huh Bill
I don't want to take individual action myself so that just the douchebags like you who don't give a shit get ahead. That's the worst possible system. I want to force you to participate to in order to participate in society. I take steps towards justice when I vote Democrat. That's all that is required.

When you vote democrat you keep blacks and other minorities on the new plantation called slums, and the ghetto idiot. 50 yrs blacks have given dems th
eir votes, yet there they are still in the ghettos.
1. if you have at least three sibling with a different father step forward!
2. if your Mom cause we know mom left gets welfare step forward!
3. if your Mom buys crack with that money step forward!
4. If your mom whores for crack when the welfare check runs out step forward
5. if you steal consistently to support your own habit step forward, so!
6. if you think crackers owe you for slavery that they had nothing to do with, step forward!

Might look a little different huh Bill

Welli did say this thread was for dummies, thnx for your participation and classic example

Those questions have nothing to do with privilege. It's not privilege that my parents have been married for 58 years. It's not privilege that I grew up with a father figure in the home. Both of those involve parents making responsible decisions. It's not privilege that I had access to a private education. It's those responsible parents wanting the best for me and being willing to sacrifice to provide it. I didn't need a tutor growing up. My parents spent the time necessary when I needed help. That isn't privilege. It's not privilege not having to worry about my cell phone being cut off. It's called meeting your responsibility for a contract you made. It's not privilege that I didn't have to help my parents with the bills. That was parents being responsible people. It's not privilege that because of something other than athletic ability, my college was funded. It's called hard work and EARNED scholarships. It's not privilege that I didn't have to worry about my next meal. It was parents that produced me being responsible for me.

I noticed that many in the video that didn't move or moved very little are black. It's not my fault that their parents didn't provide for them nor is it my responsibility now to make up for their parent's slack behavior.
When you vote democrat you keep blacks and other minorities on the new plantation called slums, and the ghetto idiot. 50 yrs blacks have given dems th
eir votes, yet there they are still in the ghettos.

The result is almost 3 out of 4 black children being born bastards and 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks relying on food stamps funded by those willing to provide for themselves and being forced to provide for those unwilling to do so.
no it wasnt huh

what was the results of all those questions

white males with a large lead

open your fucking closed brain

It's not privilege that so many of those stepping forward were white and so many not stepping forward were black. It's nothing more than the blacks parents not meeting the responsibility they have to feed, clothe, house, and raise their children.
that was so beautiful Im in tears now

You should be crying. Many of those not stepping forward were black and you want to do nothing more than blame white people. Those questions had nothing to do with privilege but responsibility. Not my fault white parents do for the children they had and blacks don't. It's also not societies place to pick up the slack because those black parents chose to be irresponsible.
I also had a stepfather, but his own son (who came to live with us) was more important so I was left to figure things out on my own.

don't talk to me about white privilege because you come from a background that makes you feel guilty about your own privilege. I had nothing, worked for everything I do have, and did it on my own.

why woud I believe you

you have lied to me before
When you vote democrat you keep blacks and other minorities on the new plantation called slums, and the ghetto idiot. 50 yrs blacks have given dems th
eir votes, yet there they are still in the ghettos.

dear fucking idiot,

Black Americans are in places of power all through the Democratic party structure

even president of the United states

You are a fucking racists to pretend they are slaves of their own party and the power within ot that they wield

thank you for admittimng your a fucking racists

fuck you very much