
Forced-birthers are not pro-life. If they were, they wouldn't cry about masks in schools, they would all have received the vaccine, they would have been outraged by the separation of children from parents during #TRE45ON's regime, they would be contacting their congresscritters to increase food stamps and other aid to help children in poverty, and they would be supporting textbooks over bombs.
Nobody is pro-abortion. they are pro-choice. Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of, you should assume those responsibilities. otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?
Forced-birthers are not pro-life. If they were, they wouldn't cry about masks in schools, they would all have received the vaccine, they would have been outraged by the separation of children from parents during #TRE45ON's regime, they would be contacting their congresscritters to increase food stamps and other aid to help children in poverty, and they would be supporting textbooks over bombs.


American conservatives are about as they are pro-family values. And the very last thing these people are, is pro-family values.
Nobody is pro-abortion. they are pro-choice. Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of, you should assume those responsibilities. otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?


I have never encountered a person who is pro-abortion.

Being pro-choice is not being is being pro-American values.
Nobody is pro-abortion. they are pro-choice. Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of, you should assume those responsibilities. otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?

:hand: :hand: :hand:
Liberals love to kill babies.

Not everyone is a christer goyim

Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.

Strange how the christer goyim care for a zygote but not a born child

They should be known as zygote masturbators
Not everyone is a christer goyim

Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.

Strange how the christer goyim care for a zygote but not a born child

They should be known as zygote masturbators

Every pregnant Jew should get an abortion.

I have never encountered a person who is pro-abortion.

Being pro-choice is not being is being pro-American values.

Why do you think of those who call themselves pro-choice but are against school choice? Wouldn't school choice be pro-American values?
Forced-birthers are not pro-life. If they were, they wouldn't cry about masks in schools, they would all have received the vaccine, they would have been outraged by the separation of children from parents during #TRE45ON's regime, they would be contacting their congresscritters to increase food stamps and other aid to help children in poverty, and they would be supporting textbooks over bombs.

same can be said for those that believe in abortion- my body my choice, they would not care about masks, vaccines, why were you not upset when Obama was using the cages and causing the separations? Food stamps only make people dependent, they will never support themselves which is essentially buying votes with taxpayer dollars.
Nobody is pro-abortion. they are pro-choice. Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of, you should assume those responsibilities. otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?

no they are pro-murder, why is she pregnant if she cannot afford it, are you saying women that choose abortion are senseless and incompetent?
Not everyone is a christer goyim

Jewish law does not share the belief common among abortion opponents that life begins at conception, nor does it legally consider the fetus to be a full person deserving of protections equal those accorded to human beings. In Jewish law, a fetus attains the status of a full person only at birth. Sources in the Talmud indicate that prior to 40 days of gestation, the fetus has an even more limited legal status, with one Talmudic authority (Yevamot 69b) asserting that prior to 40 days the fetus is “mere water.” Elsewhere, the Talmud indicates that the ancient rabbis regarded a fetus as part of its mother throughout the pregnancy, dependent fully on her for its life — a view that echoes the position that women should be free to make decisions concerning their own bodies.

Strange how the christer goyim care for a zygote but not a born child

They should be known as zygote masturbators

The Third Noahide Law contains the admonition, “He who spills the blood of a man in a man, his blood will be spilt.” The Talmud (Sanhedrin 57b) defines “a man in a man” as a preborn baby in his mother’s womb. This passage specifically states that abortion is a capital crime, a view supported by one of the leading sages of the Talmud, Rabbi Yishmael.

Stick to your short repertoire of juvenile insults, because when you try to debate you look like even more of a fool.
same can be said for those that believe in abortion- my body my choice, they would not care about masks, vaccines, why were you not upset when Obama was using the cages and causing the separations? Food stamps only make people dependent, they will never support themselves which is essentially buying votes with taxpayer dollars.

Even though a good percentage of our veteran men and women receive food stamps.*


Glad to answer your questions, ca.

Why do you think of those who call themselves pro-choice but are against school choice?

Not sure if I understand that question, but if you are asking about the disconnect between people who are pro-choice on the question of abortion versus the people who are anti-choice...

...I cannot say for sure, but I think it is because the anti-choice people see nothing wrong with telling women they should not have a choice over control of their own bodies. They want the government to dictate to women what they should do with their own bodies. Sorta like the Taliban over in Afghanistan.

Wouldn't school choice be pro-American values?

Yes, if "school choice" meant you can choose whatever school you want to attend. If, instead, you mean, "choose whether to mask up or be vaccinated" is about as "pro-American values" as choosing whether to stop at red lights and stop signs.

Even American conservatives should be able to see the difference between the two.
Why do you think of those who call themselves pro-choice but are against school choice? Wouldn't school choice be pro-American values?

The two are not equivalent in the least. For the record, most of us *are* for "school choice," we just don't think that taxpayers should pony up if someone chooses to send their kid to a private school. This is particularly true if the private school is a religious one. Using taxpayer funds for tuition at such a school would clearly violate the separation of church and state, and would put the govt. in the position of supporting a particular religion.

If you want to make comparisons, comparing abortion rights to anti-vax beliefs would be somewhat closer, although still not equivalent. If a woman has an abortion, it doesn't affect you or me. If an anti-vaxxer refuses the immunization, that could affect you and me by spreading disease. I'm not in favor of forcing ppl to get them though. We can just exclude them from public places until the wave of illness has passed.
Glad to answer your questions, ca.

Not sure if I understand that question, but if you are asking about the disconnect between people who are pro-choice on the question of abortion versus the people who are anti-choice...

...I cannot say for sure, but I think it is because the anti-choice people see nothing wrong with telling women they should not have a choice over control of their own bodies. They want the government to dictate to women what they should do with their own bodies. Sorta like the Taliban over in Afghanistan.

Yes, if "school choice" meant you can choose whatever school you want to attend. If, instead, you mean, "choose whether to mask up or be vaccinated" is about as "pro-American values" as choosing whether to stop at red lights and stop signs.

Even American conservatives should be able to see the difference between the two.

For starters I didn't watch the video. To each his own, I choose not to give clicks/views to a group of grifters, especially a group of Democrats posing as Republicans who basically want all Republicans out of office. I personally take a Libertarian view towards abortion that it's not the govt's job to regulate and it's an individual choice. There are others on the right who share my viewpoint. But generally speaking being 'pro-life' is a core Republican position. Now all of a sudden these supposed Republicans are now 'pro-choice' and want anyone who is not out of office? Please, spare me.

Regarding the labels we use 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' based on one's belief toward abortion, what's the argument we often hear from progressives regarding those who are pro-life? It's that these folks are pro-life until the baby is born and then they don't care about it (because they don't support certain gov't programs that progressives like). It's within that context that I reference pro-choice and school choice. Many of us agree on the importance of education so I'm not just picking some obscure target here.