
obviously not, since it wouldn't be the government making the choice.......the money is distributed to parents and it is the parents making the choice.....

Doesn't matter, it is still taxpayer money going for religious education. You'd be just fine with parents choosing to use your taxes to send their kids to a madrasa, or a Wiccan school, or a Rastafarian school, right? lol
Nobody is pro-abortion. they are pro-choice. Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of, you should assume those responsibilities. otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?
Forcing a young girl/woman to carry a child that is a product of rape or incest is just appalling to me.
Glad to answer your questions, ca.

Not sure if I understand that question, but if you are asking about the disconnect between people who are pro-choice on the question of abortion versus the people who are anti-choice...

...I cannot say for sure, but I think it is because the anti-choice people see nothing wrong with telling women they should not have a choice over control of their own bodies. They want the government to dictate to women what they should do with their own bodies. Sorta like the Taliban over in Afghanistan.

Yes, if "school choice" meant you can choose whatever school you want to attend. If, instead, you mean, "choose whether to mask up or be vaccinated" is about as "pro-American values" as choosing whether to stop at red lights and stop signs.

Even American conservatives should be able to see the difference between the two.
He wants tax payers to pay for children’s private education is what he means.
The two are not equivalent in the least. For the record, most of us *are* for "school choice," we just don't think that taxpayers should pony up if someone chooses to send their kid to a private school. This is particularly true if the private school is a religious one. Using taxpayer funds for tuition at such a school would clearly violate the separation of church and state, and would put the govt. in the position of supporting a particular religion.

If you want to make comparisons, comparing abortion rights to anti-vax beliefs would be somewhat closer, although still not equivalent. If a woman has an abortion, it doesn't affect you or me. If an anti-vaxxer refuses the immunization, that could affect you and me by spreading disease. I'm not in favor of forcing ppl to get them though. We can just exclude them from public places until the wave of illness has passed.

Ahhh, the biggest component of school choice are charter schools and those are public schools. So if people took the position we're pro charter schools but anti-tax payer money supporting private schools then I could respect that. But that's rarely the case. And we know the issue is politics. Teachers Unions are against charter schools and teachers unions happen to be among the Democratic Party's biggest boosters/supporters.

I'll grant there's not an obvious tie in between abortion and school choice. But when we use these labels such as anti-choice and pro-choice it can be easy to carry them to other issues.
Forcing a young girl/woman to carry a child that is a product of rape or incest is just appalling to me.

It should be appalling to everyone. I imagine they would feel quite differently about it, as conservative white men, if it was their wife, sister, mother, or daughter who was raped and impregnated, especially if the rapist was not white.
Ahhh, the biggest component of school choice are charter schools and those are public schools. So if people took the position we're pro charter schools but anti-tax payer money supporting private schools then I could respect that. But that's rarely the case. And we know the issue is politics. Teachers Unions are against charter schools and teachers unions happen to be among the Democratic Party's biggest boosters/supporters.

I'll grant there's not an obvious tie in between abortion and school choice. But when we use these labels such as anti-choice and pro-choice it can be easy to carry them to other issues.

They are still not equivalent. I don't support charter schools either. They're just another conservative attack on public school funding, meant to funnel away money from regular public schools.
It should be appalling to everyone. I imagine they would feel quite differently about it, as conservative white men, if it was their wife, sister, mother, or daughter who was raped and impregnated, especially if the rapist was not white.
Oh, mercy, yes.
They are still not equivalent. I don't support charter schools either. They're just another conservative attack on public school funding, meant to funnel away money from regular public schools.

I'd agree they aren't equivalent in the sense that charter schools tend to produce better results but ultimately they are public schools just as "regular" public schools are. And there are Democrats who support charter schools. For example, candidate Obama ran on a platform for doubling federal funding for charter schools to expand their services to more students.

I guess I could see charter schools as an "attack" on the traditional top down one size fits all education model. Since we're discussing the meaning of words or phrases it actually seems a rather conservative position to fight updating and improving how we provide education to our youth by being stuck in a mid 20th century mindset. Where as the progressive position is understanding not all children learn the same and allowing options like charter schools do.
Forced-birthers are not pro-life.
Nobody is forcing you to spread your legs, OwlCoward. Not that anyone would ever want you to spread your legs anyway...

If they were, they wouldn't cry about masks in schools,
Forced mask wearing is a violation of bodily autonomy. MY BODY MY CHOICE, remember? Mask wearing is not necessary for life.

they would all have received the vaccine,
Forced vaccinations are a violation of bodily autonomy. MY BODY MY CHOICE, remember? Vaccines are not necessary for life.

they would have been outraged by the separation of children from parents during #TRE45ON's regime,
Trump didn't have a regime, nor did he commit treason. Biden DOES have a regime and he IS committing treason. The "children in cages" thing was Barack Obama, dude...

they would be contacting their congresscritters
I have been. I've been telling them to stand up for election integrity and freedom.

to increase food stamps
Get your own damn job. -- People in need are helped by charitable organizations.

and other aid to help children in poverty, and they would be supporting textbooks over bombs.
People in need are helped by charitable organizations.
Nobody is pro-abortion.
Such people, including yourself, are approving the choice to kill a living human who has committed no crime nor has expressed any desire to die. --- That is considered to be "very shitty of you" in any civil society.

they are pro-choice.
See above.

Because i would not approve of abortion for myself, does not mean it is my right to decide for others.
See above.

If you force a girl to have a baby she cannot afford or take care of,
Nobody forced her to spread her legs. She made the choice to spread them.

you should assume those responsibilities.
She chose to spread her legs. She should assume the responsibilities associated with willingly spreading them.

otherwise, you are making life decisions for somebody you do not even know. What gives you that right?
No, I'm not.

I did not even merely suggest to her, let alone force her, to spread her legs. She made that life decision all on her own.
Why do you think of those who call themselves pro-choice but are against school choice? Wouldn't school choice be pro-American values?
They are also against mask choice, vaccine choice, gun choice, ammunition choice, engine choice, vehicular choice, fuel choice, labor union choice, and many other choices.

Fear is at the core of a liberal, and their obsessive need for control over their surroundings is a reaction to their fear.
They are also against mask choice, vaccine choice, gun choice, ammunition choice, engine choice, vehicular choice, fuel choice, labor union choice, and many other choices.

Fear is at the core of a liberal, and their obsessive need for control over their surroundings is a reaction to their fear.

This Texas reversal of Roe v. Wade is going to really give the Democrats a chance at keeping the House and Senate.