
None, but i'm not the one who wants to force unwanted pregnancies to term so you have a burden to adopt......I don't.
how does he prove he has actually adopted?

the lies by the right are so constant and deep I don't believe anything they tell me without proof
Is it your body? Is it your burden? Do you know the circumstances, or just assume that it's a "whim"?

And once again. Whoa re you to judge...take care of your own issues.

My whole point exactly, Cons speak about government getting out of people's lives but when something doesn't fit their myopic view of the world or life they sure as hell want government to regulate the hell out of it.

I mean I was against gay marriage but far be it for me to tell you that you can't have sex with another man or vice/versa, they want less regulation but wanted marriage so hypocritical.
How is it most of the righties don't care a whole hell of a lot about actual living people, but are obsessed with the in-utero?

How is it that you lefties presume that we don't care about living people just because we oppose your big government solutions? Why do you impugn our motives we don't want to accept big government? Why do you just assume big government is the only solution and those who disagree must e evil?

You claim to want civil debate but it is kind of hard to debate someone in a civil manner when that person is ascribing evil motives to your position. Chew on that for a while
How is it most of the righties don't care a whole hell of a lot about actual living people, but are obsessed with the in-utero?

Because its a political football, they don't actually care about the baby because as soon as its born they drop it like a hot potato.
How is it that you lefties presume that we don't care about living people just because we oppose your big government solutions? Why do you impugn our motives we don't want to accept big government? Why do you just assume big government is the only solution and those who disagree must e evil?

You claim to want civil debate but it is kind of hard to debate someone in a civil manner when that person is ascribing evil motives to your position. Chew on that for a while

Yet you want a big government solution to gay marriage and abortion................go figure.