
given that the Republicans weren't even allowed in the conference room when the Senate and House bills were reconciled, and that no Republicans voted in favor of the bill.....why do you need proof that the ACA was not a Republican bill?......
No, and nobody else is

from that bastion of right wing propoganda, PBS....
Deinstitutionalization was based on the principle that severe mental illness should be treated in the least restrictive setting. As further defined by President Jimmy Carter's Commission on Mental Health, this ideology rested on "the objective of maintaining the greatest degree of freedom, self-determination, autonomy, dignity, and integrity of body, mind, and spirit for the individual while he or she participates in treatment or receives services."8 This is a laudable goal and for many, perhaps for the majority of those who are deinstitutionalized, it has been at least partially realized.
lol....I didn't realize you weren't aware of the you not recall the left's complaints about institutionalizing mental health care?.....

He's probably also so unaware of the ACLU filing lawsuits to end the practice of making the mentally ill take their medication; unless it was proven that they were a danger to themselves or others.
from that bastion of right wing propoganda, PBS....
Deinstitutionalization was based on the principle that severe mental illness should be treated in the least restrictive setting. As further defined by President Jimmy Carter's Commission on Mental Health, this ideology rested on "the objective of maintaining the greatest degree of freedom, self-determination, autonomy, dignity, and integrity of body, mind, and spirit for the individual while he or she participates in treatment or receives services."8 This is a laudable goal and for many, perhaps for the majority of those who are deinstitutionalized, it has been at least partially realized.

Wow passed in 1982....who was president? Come on, I know you are smarter than this. Reagan didn't believe in another setting for treatment.............well unless you think they get treatment on a sewer grate.
Wow passed in 1982....who was president?

??? you managed to understand the date but didn't bother to read the article?......when it said it was the result of President Jimmy Carter's commission did any alarm bells ring in your head?.......
??? you managed to understand the date but didn't bother to read the article?......when it said it was the result of President Jimmy Carter's commission did any alarm bells ring in your head?.......

Obviously, that would be a, 'No. Doesn't fit my agenda."
Not really, its indeoendently verified on a daily basis

The only thing independently verifiable here about you Goober is the fact that you’re right up there at the top of the ”fucking idiot” list with Howey.