“Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession

No fallacies. Nothing inaccurate. You cheer on Holocaust 2.0 You let others turn you into a bigoted HATER who says stupid things. That's shitty.
Absolutely inaccurate. The Nazis didn't kill of the Jews--or the Gypsies, Blacks, gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, among others--over some supposed right for Germany to exist. They killed them because they weren't Aryan and considered Germans, and that didn't fit their plan for a postwar Nazi utopia based on Volksmeingeschaft.

The extermination of these groups wasn't based on their threat to Germany's existence, but rather on their not fitting into the Nazi / Hitler's plan for a German utopia as was laid out in Mein Kampf.
They killed them because they weren't Aryan
They killed them because they were Jews.
They kill them because they are Arab.

They claimed that the Reich needed to exist and they killed using that quip as justification.
They claim Israel needs to exist and they kill using that quip as a justification.

The extermination of these groups wasn't based on their threat to Germany's existence,
The extermination of Arabs isn't based on any threat to Israel's existence. You are simply gullible and will believe whatever Israel tells you to believe.

If the IDF had instead invaded Iran then we'd have a totally different story and you'd be correct. Israel instead decided to slaughter tens of thousands of innocent noncombatants who the IDF was legally and morally obligated to protect, noncombatants who never attacked Israel, ... and Israel did so simply because they HATE Arabs in the exact same way that the Nazis HATED Jews.
No fallacies. Nothing inaccurate. You cheer on Holocaust 2.0 You let others turn you into a bigoted HATER who says stupid things. That's shitty.

The Jews in Germany did not launch a preemptive attack on Hitler and his goons the way the Hamas terrorists in Israel did.
You're on the wrong side of this issue. You shouldn't be cheering on a genocide. You shouldn't be deluding yourself that you somehow are not cheering on a genocide.

You're on the wrong side of this issue. You shouldn't blatantly lie using words like "genocide."

You are like the girl who accuses a boy of rape because he touched her hand. If you can't defend the terrorists you support using facts, they probably aren't worth defending.
The Jews in Germany did not launch a preemptive attack on Hitler and his goons the way the Hamas terrorists in Israel did.
The Gazans did not launch a preemptive attack on Israel. Dishonest fucks who only want to enjoy watching Israel perpetrate genocide refer to Iran's October 7th attack on Israel via its proxy Al Qassam as an Arab political party's attack.

Dishonest fucks, who want to see Arabs slaughtered, in complete violation of the Geneva convention.

So, let me ask you, how many Arab children are you hoping bite it by the end of 2024? Please round to the nearest thousand. We're at 18,000 roughly thus far.

Also, let me ask you, why is genocide OK if Israel perpetrates it? Who else will you applaud if they launch illegal air strikes into population centers? Anyone else, or is Israel the only nation with carte blanche to commit war crimes, to commit genocide, and to ethnically cleanse?
You're on the wrong side of this issue. You shouldn't blatantly lie using words like "genocide."

I posted the definition. You have done nothing by express your self delusion.

You are like the girl who accuses a boy of rape because he touched her hand.

You are like the Nazi sympathizer who asks "What genocide?" and then confides that they totally deserve it.

If you can't defend the terrorists you support using facts, they probably aren't worth defending.

Unlike you, I'm all for bringing the terrorists to justice. Al Qassam are the terrorists that you do not want brought to justice. Instead, you want to enjoy watching a good genocide, the definition to which Israel is a signatory, so you remove the label of "terrorists" from the terrorists and apply it to the Arabs that you HATE so you can justify in your own mind your glee at learning that another thousand Arab children had to be fished out of rubble. I hope you realize that this makes you a shitty person.
Oh, you're just going to lie? Are you a holocaust denier as well?
Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via proxy Al Qassam. Hamas didn't even know about the attack, i.e. Hamas wasn't even in the picture.

You will notice that despite Israel being fully aware of this, the IDF did not invade Iran. Instead they began effecting the 2nd Nakba through genocide, all in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. You haven't read any of these documents because if you had, you wouldn't say half the things you do.

So, I'll officially put you down as a Holocaust 2.0 denier.
Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via proxy Al Qassam. Hamas didn't even know about the attack, i.e. Hamas wasn't even in the picture.

You will notice that despite Israel being fully aware of this, the IDF did not invade Iran. Instead they began effecting the 2nd Nakba through genocide, all in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. You haven't read any of these documents because if you had, you wouldn't say half the things you do.

So, I'll officially put you down as a Holocaust 2.0 denier.

Hamas - the GOVERNMENT of Gaza - attacked Israel on October 7th.

You can't lie this away on behalf of the terrorists you support.
Hamas - the GOVERNMENT of Gaza - attacked Israel on October 7th.
Nope. You have to be a moron to make such a statement. Hamas is a political party and has no military. They couldn't attack Israel beyond bum-rushing the gate. Hamas wasn't even aware of Iran's October 7th attack until it happened.

Why do you deny all this just to somehow excuse Israel's RACIST genocide. Why do you equate merely "hating Jews" with rocket attacks?

When has Hamas ever attacked Israel? All attacks on Israel over the last 40 years, to include the October 7th attack, have been executed by either Al Qassam, Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad, all on the orders of the Ayatollah. Hamas has never attacked anyone because they simply can't attack anyone. They're a political party and they have no military.

Israel is aware of all of this, even if you aren't. You probably weren't paying attention when the attack happened but immediately after the attack, Israel was pressing the US and other countries to hold Iran accountable for the attack. Then all talk about Iran ceased as they focused on slaughtering civilian noncombatant Arabs in Gaza.

Cheering on a genocide is never on the right side of an issue.
The Gazans did not launch a preemptive attack on Israel.
A blatant lie.
Dishonest fucks who only want to enjoy watching Israel perpetrate genocide refer to Iran's October 7th attack on Israel via its proxy Al Qassam as an Arab political party's attack.

Dishonest fucks, who want to see Arabs slaughtered, in complete violation of the Geneva convention.

So, let me ask you, how many Arab children are you hoping bite it by the end of 2024? Please round to the nearest thousand. We're at 18,000 roughly thus far.

Also, let me ask you, why is genocide OK if Israel perpetrates it? Who else will you applaud if they launch illegal air strikes into population centers? Anyone else, or is Israel the only nation with carte blanche to commit war crimes, to commit genocide, and to ethnically cleanse?
There is no genocide.
Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via proxy Al Qassam. Hamas didn't even know about the attack, i.e. Hamas wasn't even in the picture.
Blatant lie.
You will notice that despite Israel being fully aware of this, the IDF did not invade Iran. Instead they began effecting the 2nd Nakba through genocide, all in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. You haven't read any of these documents because if you had, you wouldn't say half the things you do.

So, I'll officially put you down as a Holocaust 2.0 denier.
There isn't one.
Hamas - the GOVERNMENT of Gaza - attacked Israel on October 7th.

You can't lie this away on behalf of the terrorists you support.
He seems confused on what is a 'terrorist' here.
He also is somehow convinced that Iran attacked from Gaza, not Hamas, OR he has also argued that Hamas was merely a puppet of Iran and Hamas attacks are really Iran (he has made both arguments, mutually exclusive of each other).

Why he insists on arguing this paradox is beyond me. Why he ignores how Hamas uses children and civilians to shield themselves is beyond me. Why he doesn't recognize that a lot of Gaza 'civilians' are really just combatants is beyond me.

I suppose he's been listening to too much Hamas propaganda, but colors it with hatred of Iran and likes to throw around words like 'holocaust', and 'genocide' (neither of which is happening).

That said, Iran itself is certainly aggressive towards Israel as well, and Israel and the United States has responded to neuter that threat somewhat.

I do not know what is driving this paradox of arguments. Normally, IBDaMann is quite sensible, especially when it comes to science, mathematics, and the content of the Constitution of the United States or the content of the writings of Karl Marx. Being one of the very few atheists that I know, he probably doesn't understand the utter hatred Islam can have towards 'infidels', particularly Israel, or why it even exists. Some things about radically hate filled religions like this can elude an atheist about certain things.

IBDaMann and I are good friends since we share so many views. We have our places we differ, of course (he's an atheist and I'm a Christian), but we usually set these aside and let our beliefs be what they may. I will certainly defend his atheism as atheism (not the so-called 'militant atheism' that is really the Church of No God), and he has defended the Bible and Christianity in much the same way.

We remain good friends, but I do not understand his reasoning here concerning Israel and her enemies.
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He seems confused on what is a 'terrorist' here.
Al Qassam, Iran's proxies who perpetrated the October 7th attack, are indeed terrorists.

Hamas, like all other bigoted haters, are not terrorists just because they are Arabs. You seem confused on this point. This is what happens when you OBEY Israel.

He also is somehow convinced that Iran attacked from Gaza, not Hamas,
Someday you'll learn what the word "proxy" means.

OR he has also argued that Hamas was merely a puppet of Iran
Nope. I wish you would read for comprehension.

Al Qassam is Iran's puppet, along with Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. I have no idea why you deny this, but as it stands, you apparently can't tell the difference between militant terrorist groups and political parties.

What do the Libertarian party and Hamas have in common? They are both political parties who don't receive any funding from Iran, who never attack Israel and who had no idea about the October 7th attack until it happened.

Why he insists on arguing this paradox is beyond me.
Is what I wrote above "beyond you"?

Why he ignores how Hamas uses children and civilians to shield themselves is beyond me.
Why you believe that it is even possible to "use human shields" when your team is blowing away innocent civilians regardless of who is behind them, is beyond me. That quip about "hiding behind human shields" was crafted for the consumption of the stupid. Did the Jews in Nazi Germany "hide behind human shields"? Of course not. They were being slaughtered wholesale. Civilian noncombatant Gazans are being slaughtered wholesale. Are you claiming that they are all trying to hide behind each other? Frankly I wouldn't blame them if they were.

But what gets me is why you would label innocent noncombatant civilians as "terrorists" so as to justify their illegal slaughter. This is a particularly shitty thing to do. Also of particular shittiness is the totally dishonest way you are misrepresenting my position every opportunity you get just to maintain the cheering.

Why he doesn't recognize that a lot of Gaza 'civilians' are really just combatants is beyond me.
Your turn. Explain why you are labeling any Gazan noncombatants as terrorists? Why does being Arab merit a death sentence? Why is it OK, in your mind, for Israel to commit genocide? Why do you deny what the IDF is doing?

Al Qassam perpetrated the October 7th attack and most of the attackers escaped immediately thereafter. Only a handful of the attackers remained in Gaza. You are completely aware that the IDF is laying waste to Gaza and to the civilian noncombatant population. You cheer all of this. Unspeakable.

I suppose he's been listening to too much Hamas propaganda,
I only read the Geneva Conventions. You go to church and apparently become a RACIST hater who wants to rid the world of Arabs.

but colors it with hatred of Iran and likes to throw around words like 'holocaust', and 'genocide' (neither of which is happening).
I use the international definition to which Israel is a signatory. You are being guided by your Christian associates who OBEY Israel and who HATE Arabs. You all convince each other that the IDF should just kill them all. No excuse or rationale is too low or too absurd.

That said, Iran itself is certainly aggressive towards Israel as well,
Iran is the only attacker of Israel. With the exception of Saddam Hussein's few SCUD missiles, nobody else has attacked Israel. I realize you are thoroughly confused by the word "proxy" and thus don't understand that Iran launches attacks through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Without this piece of the puzzle you aren't going to get it.

Hamas has never attacked Israel. The Gazan population has never attacked Israel. You nonetheless call them all "terrorists" and support them being ethnically cleansed. How totally ethical of you.

and Israel and the United States has responded to neuter that threat somewhat.
There's only so much that can be done. That's why Iran uses proxies, i.e. to make it virtually impossible for anyone t counter Iran's ability to carry out attacks as they see fit.

Being one of the very few atheists that I know, he probably doesn't understand the utter hatred Islam can have towards 'infidels',
I am totally aware of this. Hamas is a political party that HATES Jews. I would ask you to look at the HATRED in a different light.

Semites hate the fuck out of each other, i.e the Jewish Semites HATE the Arab Semites and the Arab Semites HATE the Jewish Semites. I'm sure you are aware of the HATRED that Arabs in the region have for Jews. I get the feeling that you aren't aware that Israelis, for the most part, are just as HATEFUL and racist towards Arabs. Check social media. Check any sources. All the Semites of the Middle East virtue-signal their HATRED for the opposing Semites.

Ever since the Nakba, Israel has desperately wanted to enforce the 2nd Nakba and that is what is happening. The IDF is simply slaughtering defenseless Arabs by the thousands, in complete violation of the various Conventions. It would have been a completely different story if:

1. A Gazan military had actually attacked Israel instead of Iran's proxy Al Qassam
2. The IDF had protected Gazan civilians, per their legal and moral obligation
3. The IDF had not indiscriminantly launched hundreds of air strikes into civilian population centers
4. The IDF had not indiscriminantly mowed down defenseless civilians from helicopter gunships
4. The IDF had not deliberately targeted civilian property for needless destruction, and
5. The IDF had afforded special protections to children 14 years of age or younger and to women, as required by the compact they signed

... *OR* ...

5. Israel had instead invaded Iran.

If these conditions had been met then I probably wouldn't care what was happening. Unfortunately, what is occurring in Gaza is simply the senseless and illegal slaughter of civilian noncombatants just because they are Arabs.

I totally get your Christian dislike for Muslims. That isn't the issue here. What we have is a racism-driven genocide, per Israel's definition (Israel signed the Convention against Genocide which defines "genocide"). There are no terrorists; Al Qassam escaped immediately after the attack. Hamas isn't in the picture except to string you along. As long as you label Hamas as "attacking terrorists", Israel can just keep slaughtering Arabs and periodically release news about how the IDF killed a "Hamas leader" (of the political party who didn't even know about the attack until it happened) and you will believe that the IDF actually killed one of the terrorists who perpetrated the attack.

I would ask that you not misrepresent my position, which is one of accountability for war crimes. I demand fair but thorough investigations into the apparent violations of the various conventions, and that violators be brought to justice.

I otherwise have no position on Palestine or said governance in the region. I also believe that all Semites are free to HATE as they wish. I don't like children being slaughtered.

We remain good friends, but I do not understand his reasoning here concerning Israel and her enemies.
Hopefully the above will add some clarity. Israel is doing what Nazi Germany did. I don't afford Israel any "permanent victim" status and they must face the consequences of their actions.
Al Qassam, Iran's proxies who perpetrated the October 7th attack, are indeed terrorists.

Hamas, like all other bigoted haters, are not terrorists just because they are Arabs. You seem confused on this point. This is what happens when you OBEY Israel.

Someday you'll learn what the word "proxy" means.

Nope. I wish you would read for comprehension.

Al Qassam is Iran's puppet, along with Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. I have no idea why you deny this, but as it stands, you apparently can't tell the difference between militant terrorist groups and political parties.

What do the Libertarian party and Hamas have in common? They are both political parties who don't receive any funding from Iran, who never attack Israel and who had no idea about the October 7th attack until it happened.

Is what I wrote above "beyond you"?

Why you believe that it is even possible to "use human shields" when your team is blowing away innocent civilians regardless of who is behind them, is beyond me. That quip about "hiding behind human shields" was crafted for the consumption of the stupid. Did the Jews in Nazi Germany "hide behind human shields"? Of course not. They were being slaughtered wholesale. Civilian noncombatant Gazans are being slaughtered wholesale. Are you claiming that they are all trying to hide behind each other? Frankly I wouldn't blame them if they were.

But what gets me is why you would label innocent noncombatant civilians as "terrorists" so as to justify their illegal slaughter. This is a particularly shitty thing to do. Also of particular shittiness is the totally dishonest way you are misrepresenting my position every opportunity you get just to maintain the cheering.

Your turn. Explain why you are labeling any Gazan noncombatants as terrorists? Why does being Arab merit a death sentence? Why is it OK, in your mind, for Israel to commit genocide? Why do you deny what the IDF is doing?

Al Qassam perpetrated the October 7th attack and most of the attackers escaped immediately thereafter. Only a handful of the attackers remained in Gaza. You are completely aware that the IDF is laying waste to Gaza and to the civilian noncombatant population. You cheer all of this. Unspeakable.

I only read the Geneva Conventions. You go to church and apparently become a RACIST hater who wants to rid the world of Arabs.

I use the international definition to which Israel is a signatory. You are being guided by your Christian associates who OBEY Israel and who HATE Arabs. You all convince each other that the IDF should just kill them all. No excuse or rationale is too low or too absurd.

Iran is the only attacker of Israel. With the exception of Saddam Hussein's few SCUD missiles, nobody else has attacked Israel. I realize you are thoroughly confused by the word "proxy" and thus don't understand that Iran launches attacks through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Without this piece of the puzzle you aren't going to get it.

Hamas has never attacked Israel. The Gazan population has never attacked Israel. You nonetheless call them all "terrorists" and support them being ethnically cleansed. How totally ethical of you.

There's only so much that can be done. That's why Iran uses proxies, i.e. to make it virtually impossible for anyone t counter Iran's ability to carry out attacks as they see fit.

I am totally aware of this. Hamas is a political party that HATES Jews. I would ask you to look at the HATRED in a different light.

Semites hate the fuck out of each other, i.e the Jewish Semites HATE the Arab Semites and the Arab Semites HATE the Jewish Semites. I'm sure you are aware of the HATRED that Arabs in the region have for Jews. I get the feeling that you aren't aware that Israelis, for the most part, are just as HATEFUL and racist towards Arabs. Check social media. Check any sources. All the Semites of the Middle East virtue-signal their HATRED for the opposing Semites.

Ever since the Nakba, Israel has desperately wanted to enforce the 2nd Nakba and that is what is happening. The IDF is simply slaughtering defenseless Arabs by the thousands, in complete violation of the various Conventions. It would have been a completely different story if:

1. A Gazan military had actually attacked Israel instead of Iran's proxy Al Qassam
2. The IDF had protected Gazan civilians, per their legal and moral obligation
3. The IDF had not indiscriminantly launched hundreds of air strikes into civilian population centers
4. The IDF had not indiscriminantly mowed down defenseless civilians from helicopter gunships
4. The IDF had not deliberately targeted civilian property for needless destruction, and
5. The IDF had afforded special protections to children 14 years of age or younger and to women, as required by the compact they signed

... *OR* ...

5. Israel had instead invaded Iran.

If these conditions had been met then I probably wouldn't care what was happening. Unfortunately, what is occurring in Gaza is simply the senseless and illegal slaughter of civilian noncombatants just because they are Arabs.

I totally get your Christian dislike for Muslims. That isn't the issue here. What we have is a racism-driven genocide, per Israel's definition (Israel signed the Convention against Genocide which defines "genocide"). There are no terrorists; Al Qassam escaped immediately after the attack. Hamas isn't in the picture except to string you along. As long as you label Hamas as "attacking terrorists", Israel can just keep slaughtering Arabs and periodically release news about how the IDF killed a "Hamas leader" (of the political party who didn't even know about the attack until it happened) and you will believe that the IDF actually killed one of the terrorists who perpetrated the attack.

I would ask that you not misrepresent my position, which is one of accountability for war crimes. I demand fair but thorough investigations into the apparent violations of the various conventions, and that violators be brought to justice.

I otherwise have no position on Palestine or said governance in the region. I also believe that all Semites are free to HATE as they wish. I don't like children being slaughtered.

Hopefully the above will add some clarity. Israel is doing what Nazi Germany did. I don't afford Israel any "permanent victim" status and they must face the consequences of their actions.
I'm not going to waste time with your loaded questions, your hate, and your odd recall of history or any made up shit from you.
You obviously believe your statements and won't change.

I saddens me that you are letting this come between us with such vengeance.
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I saddens me that you are letting this come between us with such vengeance.
You did make it clear that you don't recognize the Geneva Conventions and the children being slaughtered doesn't seem to bother you, so I understand your not rushing to embrace my desire for a cease-fire. I promise I won't bother you with my concerns.
Hard core Leftists be flocking to Germany :babydance:
And in the front of that line is this guy, looking for his new pimp.
