“Pro-Pedophile” Activist Group Celebrates As Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn Possession

Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via proxy Al Qassam. Hamas didn't even know about the attack, i.e. Hamas wasn't even in the picture.

You will notice that despite Israel being fully aware of this, the IDF did not invade Iran. Instead they began effecting the 2nd Nakba through genocide, all in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide. You haven't read any of these documents because if you had, you wouldn't say half the things you do.

So, I'll officially put you down as a Holocaust 2.0 denier.
Has Hamas denied they attacked?
Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via proxy Al Qassam. Hamas didn't even know about the attack, i.e. Hamas wasn't even in the picture.

Hamas says October 7 attack was a ‘necessary step’​

The Palestinian group Hamas has said there were “faults” in the October 7 attack it led on southern Israe

Hamas fighters stormed communities along Israel’s southern fence with Gaza. At least 1,139 people, mostly civilians, were killed in the attack, according to an Al Jazeera tally based on official Israeli statistics, and about 240 others were seized as captives.

You are a stupid fuck...My God!

coming soon to a country near you

we warned u POS this was going to start happening years ago
Here's another pedophile who should never have gotten out of prison. If it was up to me, someone should have cut his nuts off and hung him from a tree for impersonating a Marine officer:

Is this a lie from

Al Jazeera​

Hamas never had the chance. They were silenced by air strike before they even realized that Israel was initiating the 2nd Nakba.

You are a gullible piece of shit. You will only accept what the media tells you to believe ... or your church.

Is this a lie from Al Jazeera????
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Is this a lie from

Al Jazeera​

Yep. Are you still gullible? Yep.

If you weren't completely vested in a false narrative that was crafted to support a genocide, it would otherwise be a simple matter to learn the truth about the following:

1. Iran has been at the planning/coordinating/authorizing/funding end of all attacks on Israel for more than the last 40 years.
2. Iran attacks Israel through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.
3. Per 1 & 2, all attacks on Israel have been executed by Al Qassam, Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad at the order of Iran. Al Qassam perpetrated the Oct 7th attack on Israel.
4. Iran funds Hezbollah roughly $700 million annually to do the Ayatollah's bidding
5. Iran funds Al Qassam roughly $100 million annually to do the Ayatollah's bidding
6. Iran funds Islamic Jihad roughly $15 million annually to do the Ayatollah's bidding

7. Hamas is a political party with no military and no money*
8. Hamas receives no funding from anyone
9. Hamas can't attack anyone
10. Hamas didn't know about the Oct 7th attack until it happened. Iran doesn't coordinate with Hamas.

* - warning: the topic of Hamas' money is slippery and fraught with dishonesty. The typical report will begin by confusing Hamas with Al Qassam, and will refer to Iran's intricate funding network (designed to circumvent western attempts to thwart terrorism) as Hamas' "investment portfolio." Al Qassam is well-funded by Iran. Hamas rides on poverty.

You have adopted a false narrative to prevent yourself from inadvertently learning the above. If you were to learn the above, you would start to ask "Why does everyone refer to Hamas as the terrorists instead of correctly referring to Al Qassam as the terrorists?" and "Why didn't Israel invade Iran if they were seeking justice for Al Qassam's attack on October 7th?"

If you were to ever realize that Israel is slaughtering Arabs in order to effect the 2nd Nakba (which you probably don't understand) in complete violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide (with definitions included) to which Israel is signatory, you would be forced to face your active support for genocide. Of course you need to nip that in the bud and make sure you don't clearly understand the big picture. It is far easier and far more comfortable to just regurgitate what the media is telling you to believe without performing any independent research or applying any critical reasoning.

In my case it's too late. I have already performed my research and I have learned the above. I can't unlearn it.
Is this a lie from Al Jazeera????
I need to point out that you are being very naive on this, and your question is extremely stupid.

Al Jazeera is the voice of Qatar, partner to Iran on the Al Qassam arrangement. Both Iran and Qatar have a huge vested interest in maintaining the official narrative of "Hamas are the terrorists, Iran didn't execute the attack. Ignore the man behind the Tehran."
Nope. You have to be a moron to make such a statement. Hamas is a political party and has no military. They couldn't attack Israel beyond bum-rushing the gate. Hamas wasn't even aware of Iran's October 7th attack until it happened.

Why do you deny all this just to somehow excuse Israel's RACIST genocide. Why do you equate merely "hating Jews" with rocket attacks?

When has Hamas ever attacked Israel? All attacks on Israel over the last 40 years, to include the October 7th attack, have been executed by either Al Qassam, Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad, all on the orders of the Ayatollah. Hamas has never attacked anyone because they simply can't attack anyone. They're a political party and they have no military.

Israel is aware of all of this, even if you aren't. You probably weren't paying attention when the attack happened but immediately after the attack, Israel was pressing the US and other countries to hold Iran accountable for the attack. Then all talk about Iran ceased as they focused on slaughtering civilian noncombatant Arabs in Gaza.

Cheering on a genocide is never on the right side of an issue.

I notice you derailed the thread about Germany decriminalizing pedophilia to again cheer-lead for terrorists.

Absolutely inaccurate. The Nazis didn't kill of the Jews--or the Gypsies, Blacks, gays, Jehovah's Witnesses, Poles, among others--over some supposed right for Germany to exist. They killed them because they weren't Aryan and considered Germans, and that didn't fit their plan for a postwar Nazi utopia based on Volksmeingeschaft.

The extermination of these groups wasn't based on their threat to Germany's existence, but rather on their not fitting into the Nazi / Hitler's plan for a German utopia as was laid out in Mein Kampf.

The same reason that Muslims seek complete genocide of the Jews. The control of what they view as "Muslim" lands interferes with the Caliphate @IBDaMann and other terrorist promoters seek. These sick fools seek genocide of the Jews to "purify" the Muslim empire.
I notice you derailed the thread about Germany decriminalizing pedophilia to again cheer-lead for terrorists.
I didn't derail it. I responded to a comment, and then you and others got triggered and derailed the thread. Sad.

I'm not one of those trying to deny that Al Qassam is a militant terrorist group or that Hamas is a political party. You and Team Israel own that. I'm not the one cheering on a genocide because I want more Arab children being fished out of rubble. You and Team Israel own that. The least you could do is to own up to it and stand behind your position instead of fabricating absurd contortions to make your cheering seem palatable.
The same reason that Muslims seek complete genocide of the Jews.
You and Team Israel keep demonizing Arabs under the assertion that they "seek complete genocide of the Jews" while totally excusing Israel's active genocide of the Arabs that you HATE and demonize.

You and Team Israel are totally bigoted. That not my fault; that's all on you.
You and Team Israel keep demonizing Arabs under the assertion that they "seek complete genocide of the Jews" while totally excusing Israel's active genocide of the Arabs that you HATE and demonize.

You and Team Israel are totally bigoted. That not my fault; that's all on you.

Not Arabs, Muslims.

And try as you might, you can't lie the calls for genocide away.

Not Arabs, Muslims.
Israel seeks to exterminate Arab Semites, even the Christian ones. However, your position is vastly better for only wishing to exterminate Muslims.

And try as you might, you can't lie the calls for genocide away.
I wish you would pay attention. I have always recognized the mutual HATRED between Jewish Semites and Arab Semites. They HATE each other. Please take note.

The issue is your egregiously immoral double standard. The Arabs in Gaza are all talk. and for that you claim they all deserve death sentences, whereas Israel is effecting genocide, so you totally excuse them, first by saying "what genocide? there is no genocide" and then by explaining how the Arab Semites totally deserve it for being all talk.

Your position is totally indefensible.
Israel seeks to exterminate Arab Semites, even the Christian ones. However, your position is vastly better for only wishing to exterminate Muslims.

That's a flat out lie. But the Muslims in Gaza and Iran sure want to exterminate every last Jew in Israel.

As you also seem to desire.

I wish you would pay attention. I have always recognized the mutual HATRED between Jewish Semites and Arab Semites. They HATE each other. Please take note.

Funny, the Jews let 5 million Arabs live there. How many Jews does Hamas let live in Gaza? How many does Egypt allow? How about Jordan? Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Iran?

You are using a false equivalence fallacy in attempt to support the genocide of Jews.

The issue is your egregiously immoral double standard. The Arabs in Gaza are all talk. and for that you claim they all deserve death sentences, whereas Israel is effecting genocide, so you totally excuse them, first by saying "what genocide? there is no genocide" and then by explaining how the Arab Semites totally deserve it for being all talk.

Your position is totally indefensible.

The problem is your support of genocide of Jews.
That's a flat out lie. But the Muslims in Gaza and Iran sure want to exterminate every last Jew in Israel.
I was always taught the wisdom of being wary of those who claim to know what countless others think and who pretend to speak for others and who/what they presumably HATE.

Funny, the Jews let 5 million Arabs live there.
Did no one ever teach you about the word "irrelevant"? The IDF is still slaughtering tens of thousands of Arabs who never attacked Israel. The number of Arabs living in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kentucky or Swaziland who are not presently being slaughtered is completely immaterial.

How many Jews does Hamas let live in Gaza?
Hamas has little say in the matter. Hamas is a political party with little power, no military and almost no money.

Regardless, prohibiting Israelis from living in Gaza is not slaughtering Israelis in Israel by the tens of thousands.

Israel is committing genocide. Gazans talk up a lot of HATRED. Which one are you forgiving and to which one are you levying death sentences.

The problem is your support of genocide of Jews.
You need to support this. I have taken no position beyond one of accountability. You, on the other hand, cheer on a genocide and sweep all accountability under the rug.
And try as you might, you can't lie the calls for genocide away.
You still haven't shown any attacks on Israel that don't point back to Iran. You keep EVADING this little detail ... because it exposes your blatant disinformation aiding your lust for the ethnic cleansing of Arabs.

coming soon to a country near you

we warned u POS this was going to start happening years ago
As opposed to?
