Professor of Arabic barred from returning to U.S. from Canada


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An asst. professor of Arabic at San Francisco State University has been stranded in Canada for three months, unable to return to campus, after the U.S. State Dept. canceled his visa and began reviewing his security status. He arrived in the U.S. 7 years ago, has an American wife and 2 children, and received his doctorate at the Univ. of Wisconsin.

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Keep the islomofascist out. We don't need our youth actually understanding the Arabic people.

What's there to understand. Their plan is come here, outbreed us, and then institute sharia law. We should throw them all out.

What's the immigration policy of Mid eastern countries? Of israel?

Western nations have gone retarded with all this pc brainwash.
PC brainwash ? That all went down the tubes with the rise of the Neos.

No Way. On some issues pc-ness is even worse. They're only insterested in security for israel. When it comes to securing america, borders are racism. They's just like libs on the issue. They will still get all tweaky if anyone asserts that civil rights protections apply to white individuals as well.
Oh so Feminazi, Isloamo fascist, towell head, Sand Ni%%er , nuke em all, Axis of evil, Pinhead, cut and runner, kool aid drinker, etc is PC then ?
Oh so Feminazi, Isloamo fascist, towell head, Sand Ni%%er , nuke em all, Axis of evil, Pinhead, cut and runner, kool aid drinker, etc is PC then ?
No, PC is taking a description like "Radical Islam" and saying that it somehow insults all Muslims.
Oh so Feminazi, Isloamo fascist, towell head, Sand Ni%%er , nuke em all, Axis of evil, Pinhead, cut and runner, kool aid drinker, etc is PC then ?

On issues of national soveriegnty and the rights of white people, the neocons might as well be lefties, as they pull out the same anti-american, anti-white memes as the left on those issues.
Yeah like Islamofascists, and Pinheads, etc applied to all who disagreed with the users points of view.....
Yup. Except I have yet to see anybody call somebody an Islamofascist that wasn't a Muslim Extremist.

Now "pinhead", sure. But really, are you going to whine about "pinhead". The lefties use "racist" even when it doesn't fit. Pinhead isn't even close to a conversation-stopper like "racist".
What's there to understand. Their plan is come here, outbreed us, and then institute sharia law. We should throw them all out.

What's the immigration policy of Mid eastern countries? Of israel?

Western nations have gone retarded with all this pc brainwash.

Ridiculous. Less than 1% of our population is Arab. It would take a millenium of even ridiculously fast breeding and immigration for that to happen. And then the Arab's probably would've been integrated into American society and would no longer institute sharia law. It's not like any of them do right now anyway.
Ridiculous. Less than 1% of our population is Arab. It would take a millenium of even ridiculously fast breeding and immigration for that to happen. And then the Arab's probably would've been integrated into American society and would no longer institute sharia law. It's not like any of them do right now anyway.

You're thinking of how things were in the past. They are no longer coming here with the intention of assimilation. They are coming here to conquer. And it would NOT take a millenium. They are pro-reproduction. Americans have been put on extinguish by the purveyors of nihilism and selfishness who control our institutions.
Not in my opinion, I think I have a mostly realistic view. Not totally by any means but closer to reality than most. Just my opinion though.
Not in my opinion, I think I have a mostly realistic view. Not totally by any means but closer to reality than most. Just my opinion though.

Well you're ill informed on the Islamic teachings regarding jihad, or you're just nihilistic enough to think your own culture and people don't deserve to survive. Which is it?
It is not an either or situation. I have analog thought processes not binary like some do.

So this fancy model of thinking allows you to ignore reality? is that it?

They want to destroy our society as it is. They do not value multiculturalism or religious tolerance. How do you plan on dealing with that? (Ignoring it isn't an effective option, unless you want your society destroyed.)
It allows me to consider other options vs the more limited choices of either this or that.

MIght work out to be some of this a dash of that and a pinch of something else is the answer.
It allows me to consider other options vs the more limited choices of either this or that.

MIght work out to be some of this a dash of that and a pinch of something else is the answer.

But it's a this or that choice. Either you defend yourself or they will kill you. THEY are offering only two options. They are limiting your choices. You could try to change them, but that's going against a lifetime of indoctrination and jihadi programming.