Professor who’s predicted presidential winners since ’80s says Trump won’t be a candi

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Allan Lichtman, the American University political historian who has accurately predicted the outcome of almost all of our presidential elections in more than three decades, told me in an interview that it is “very unlikely” that Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024 or that he will return to the White House as a candidate of a third party.

Worse for Trump is that, “He’s got $400 million-plus in loans coming due. His brand is failing. His businesses are failing. He has a huge IRS audit. He doesn’t hold office anymore. He’s lost his Twitter feed,” Lichtman told me. That’s a lot of baggage for somebody to run for president, he added.
Allan Lichtman, the American University political historian who has accurately predicted the outcome of almost all of our presidential elections in more than three decades, told me in an interview that it is “very unlikely” that Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024 or that he will return to the White House as a candidate of a third party.

Worse for Trump is that, “He’s got $400 million-plus in loans coming due. His brand is failing. His businesses are failing. He has a huge IRS audit. He doesn’t hold office anymore. He’s lost his Twitter feed,” Lichtman told me. That’s a lot of baggage for somebody to run for president, he added.

Trump is finished.
Under Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of white grievances. It’s no coincidence that neither he, nor right-wing Fox News are spending much time criticizing Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic-stimulus package, but focusing on immigration. (For the record, the number of unauthorized migrants is way below its level in the early 2000s.)
Under Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of white grievances. It’s no coincidence that neither he, nor right-wing Fox News are spending much time criticizing Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic-stimulus package, but focusing on immigration. (For the record, the number of unauthorized migrants is way below its level in the early 2000s.)

nope. the republicans became the party of trade reasonableness, and america firstness.
Professor who’s predicted presidential winners since ’80s says Trump won’t be a candi

trump never wanted to be president in the first place. he wanted to run again in 2016 to try to stay interesting. It all got out of control, and he ended up being president.

If he admitted he was not going to run in 2024, he would immediately lose all power. Republicans would ignore him. he would be nothing again. But also he does not want to actually be president. This opens us up to a slight chance he might be accidentally elected again.
Under Trump, the Republican Party has become the party of white grievances. It’s no coincidence that neither he, nor right-wing Fox News are spending much time criticizing Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic-stimulus package, but focusing on immigration. (For the record, the number of unauthorized migrants is way below its level in the early 2000s.)

don't be were whining about white people long before Trump was a thing......
Allan Lichtman, the American University political historian who has accurately predicted the outcome of almost all of our presidential elections in more than three decades, told me in an interview that it is “very unlikely” that Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024 or that he will return to the White House as a candidate of a third party.

Worse for Trump is that, “He’s got $400 million-plus in loans coming due. His brand is failing. His businesses are failing. He has a huge IRS audit. He doesn’t hold office anymore. He’s lost his Twitter feed,” Lichtman told me. That’s a lot of baggage for somebody to run for president, he added.

Worse for Trump, he can't even get Trump TV off the ground. While Fox and others continue to voice support, they continue to stand on the sidelines doing nothing as Trump's political career careens out of control.

Trump cannot escape from the sedition charges they are coming for his attempted try to change the Georgia outcome. It was captured in audio. He has no defense. That is only one of the many charges he has to face.

dude......the news already admitted they misquoted what he said......get over it......
Trump cannot escape from the sedition charges they are coming for his attempted try to change the Georgia outcome. It was captured in audio. He has no defense. That is only one of the many charges he has to face.

The So Called Criminal Justice system
is hopelessly fucked in the head on purpose.....BLM is not wrong about that.

I am not doing RugRats tonight.

I have better offers.
Allan Lichtman, the American University political historian who has accurately predicted the outcome of almost all of our presidential elections in more than three decades, told me in an interview that it is “very unlikely” that Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024 or that he will return to the White House as a candidate of a third party.

Worse for Trump is that, “He’s got $400 million-plus in loans coming due. His brand is failing. His businesses are failing. He has a huge IRS audit. He doesn’t hold office anymore. He’s lost his Twitter feed,” Lichtman told me. That’s a lot of baggage for somebody to run for president, he added.

this is desperate and pathetic. you fear orange man. go change your pissy pants, little girl.